I purchased the PhotoStory Deluxe from the latest Humble Bundle deal...something I really regret right now!
The updateprogram in PhotoStory Deluxe is one of the worst I ever come across, it's pathetically badly written!
I choose the option to update it when the program closes.
I close PhotoStory and all other programs and even my firewall.
Update starts, then it stops at step 2: File in Use! and it request me to stop the Magix Network Sync.
What is that? Why is it running and where and what is it?
No info whatsoever are provided from Magix what this program is and how to stop it and the only options are Retry, Ignore and Cancel.
Retry dont help, it just get stucked on the alertwindow, and Cancel just quits the update program.
And since the totally abscense of helpful information from Magix I dont want to choose Ignore.
So I finally choose Cancel and nothing gets update!
The support system at Magix is a totally mess to navigate so I hope I could get some help here!
What to do?