@SCOTT-CHAMBERLAIN In the past there were problems with hidden error messages (for example a message box if the screen resolution is too low) that needed to be closed before the program will continue. If you encountered the same problem it's recommended to press the left arrow key or the right arrow key and then Enter on your keyboard. This should close message Windows.
I tried the "left & right arrows and enter". Magix did not continue with the start up procedure. it only closed out of it.
although, from your suggestion. I selected that the Magix window "restore down" (The square in the top right of the window by Minimize) so that I could see any " hidden Messages". I found that the message is saying "Could not Connect. Please check your internet connection".
My connection is good. (I'm chatting thru it now).
I did select "Retry" but that closes the Magix Music Maker window
I tried firewall changes and antivirus settings. That did not help.
what i did find is that I had to do a quick snapshot with my camera to catch a message that would flash when i select that Magix "Retry" the internet connection.
The message is
The following messages have occurred:
CacheDbDriveError, Critical: ShopManager Cache Db error: DriverNotAvailable
@SCOTT-CHAMBERLAIN Thanks for the information. Usually it helps to open the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store. Since you cannot open the program any longer, I suggest you uninstall and reinstall it.
Please use the Windows Troubleshooter to uninstall Music Maker. The Troubleshooter should delete additional files that the normal uninstaller won't remove.
@SCOTT-CHAMBERLAIN Yeah, Music Maker is a 64 Bit software, so it should run on your computer. I believe the newest version requires a login. I'm still on version 2023, so I cannot try it.
You can try to uninstall Music Maker 2024 and install version 2023 from here. Maybe version 2023 will work fine:
I just $pent $$ for the Premium Version of 2024 as well as the time to install all the additional bells & Whistles. Not to include todays daylong of headaches. So I don't really want to go thru the process of getting a refund
@SCOTT-CHAMBERLAIN If 2023 works fine you might now be able to install the updates inside the program to get back to version 2024. I hope that version 2023 installed some data that was broken in version 2024.
@SCOTT-CHAMBERLAIN Maybe there is a bigger problem and you need to contact technical support. Click on the SUPPORT link at top of this page and then select your product. On the next page scroll down until you can click on Contact Support and create your ticket.
Late to the party on this one - the MUMA location error is known to be occur when an external audio device is connected to the computer due to an external audio interface ASIO driver mismatch.
If you are using an external audio device, you need to change the ASIO driver MMM is using to use the devices driver not the Magix ASIO driver.
Unplug the external audio device and start Music Maker, once started open the program settings, plug the external audio device in, and in the programs settings change the ASIO driver option to use the external devices driver.
Same issue- MMM crashes after a couple minutes with error report MuMa. PC dets - Z590 MB, I5-11 cpu, RTX3060 gpu, 16GB ram, windows 10 OS, 1TB storage. 3 drivers - NVIDIA High Definition Audio, NVIDIA Virtual Audio device (Wave Extensible) (WDM), Realtek(R) Audio, all have been uniinstalled and reinstalled and are up to date. Program settings - Audio Playback Music Maker Asio out (1+2) ASIO driver - Music Maker Asio Music Maker Asio settings - Input Primary Sound Capture Driver (Activate imput)
Output - Realtek Digital Output Buffer 1024
I've exhausted all possible variations and settings to no avail, please assist I don't wish to loose the want to create.
First, please be aware that @johnebaker is not a Magix employee, simply a fellow-user. I have tagged him in this reply so he will receive notification of that fact and may have further advice to offer.
Thank you for the data about your computer; however, what is the exact model number of your CPU please? And which version and edition of MusicMaker?
Have you tried the suggestions John made in the post directly above yours? With what results? Which audio device do you use? You mention several but, apart from the stated output, it's not clear which one you have selected in MusicMaker. Whichever it is, are you ensuring you use the ASIO driver?
MMM 2024, i5-11600KF 3.90GHz 3912 MHz 6 cores, I have set systems as per John's recommendations (thank you John) both for the default playback, Program Settings and Asio Settings, but unfortunatley the sofware is still crashing after 3-5 minutes, I'm at a lose as to what to do, any further assitance would be appreciated, thanks.
@OF2-2540 Have you tried to reset the program to its default settings via the File > Settings menu? Maybe there is something in the settings or cache that causes the crashes. After restarting you need to make sure to reconfigure the program as advised.