If you search the Internet you will also find there are several alternative browsers which support Flash available for iPads, iPhone and other mobile devices.
Former user
wrote on 2/23/2014, 12:29 AM
If you search the Internet you will also find there are several alternative browsers which support Flash available for iPads, iPhone and other mobile devices.
Hi , yes I know , been there tried that , it doesnt work so good , flash should be implemented in android and iphone ipad windows 8 as standard and it doesnt matter if you and me can fix it most people don't know how or doesn´t want the extra hassle and work to find and install it , actually many people think a computer is something strange where a onoff button is dangerous to touch... and mobile phones , not a chance.
microsoft apple adobe google should take care of their customers instead of acting like children fighting over software protection. Thanks for the advice , maybe some people find it useful