Magix Future?


Nalmcruto wrote on 3/14/2024, 8:17 PM

MAGIX should have let that Sony software stay dead and invested those millions in improving their own product lines. Samplitude could have really improved a ton if they had done that. But it’s a bit too late. The opportunity cost has been paid, and you can’t get that lost time/investment back.

In fact, the user group determines the product positioning. Vegas relatively has stable and more users, making it a flagship product.
Before last year, Vegas didn't get the resource inclination of Magix, and Magix and VCS have been developing their own products in a relatively independent state. In the end, Vegas became the most popular product among Magix products, and MEP/VPX gradually shrank, which was the reason why Magix tilted more resources to the Vegas product line.

Magix is now writing a new video engine for Vegas, similar to the Infusion engine of MEP/VPX. What will happen in the future should be seen soon.

MagixDerek wrote on 3/14/2024, 9:12 PM

VMS was killed because it cannibalized VEGAS Pro Edit sales.

Wrong. Please stop spreading speculation under the guise of the truth. I'm not sure why you are still around the Magix forums as you have moved on to other products.

browj2 wrote on 3/15/2024, 1:56 PM



Nice to see you on this forum.

John CB

John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

fishycomics wrote on 3/15/2024, 3:23 PM

Yeah A.I Was about Oct 2023. MEP 2024 was released aboutthen and GUess we'll see what MEP 2025 has in store.

browj2 wrote on 3/22/2024, 6:53 PM



If Magix disappeared tomorrow (I hope not!), that will not affect the software that I have already. They will still work.

Ouch!!! Noooo. The bad news is that Magix software checks in with Home Base once a month. This is transparent, so the user never sees it. If you don't open the software for a couple of months, you'll see the activation screen with username(email address)/activation code. If Home Base has disappeared, the software cannot validate the code and won't start and we are dead in the water. It's worse for those with a subscription, I would think. This was raised on the Samplitude forum. The workaround for Samplitude is to get a P2 code/offline activation with a Codemeter. What about the rest of us?


Any comment on the above? I think that this includes Vegas, does it not?

I think that Magix had better tell us what the contingency plan is for the worst case or risk losing even more users.

John CB

John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

MagixDerek wrote on 3/22/2024, 8:09 PM

I think everyone is overreacting here. Unfortunately, I have no extra information to provide and the company is not likely to post any official message while negotiations are ongoing for a new investor. I can say that if I felt the situation was as bleak as some here have stated, I would not have stuck around and many of the other engineers would have bolted as well. As I have stated on the VEGAS forum, our team is working without any restrictions right now and we will be releasing a huge update in a few weeks. We have already begun working on the next major version of VEGAS Pro as well. I think the same is true for several other products at Magix.

Quite frankly, I am anxious to see what happens and actually hopeful for the future. Let's all relax and let the process run its course.

browj2 wrote on 3/22/2024, 9:22 PM



I think that many users are worried and realistic, myself included. The cat is out of the bag. Given what I said about what is probably the worst case scenario, the what if scenario, how can we tell people to purchase/upgrade Magix products and expect them to do so? Users can see the warning signs and are silently going to go elsewhere, and from what I have read, many have, although mostly for reasons not related to Magix' financial problems. This just exacerbates the problem.

New releases will probably help. But I think that Magix personnel posting on the forums will also help. You and others on the Vegas team have done a great job on the Vegas forum, just by your presence. There are a couple of Magix personnel active on the Samplitude/Sequoia forum. That all helps reassure users. But, other than you, no one from Magix has posted in either French or English on this forum or given any hint of on-going development work. Nothing. Magix needs to engage its users more,...and fix the bugs.

Just my thoughts,

John CB

John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

Nalmcruto wrote on 3/23/2024, 2:43 AM

Besides the public release post, I haven't seen anyone from the Magix Team communicate with users on the forum. This is not a good phenomenon.

Reyfox wrote on 3/23/2024, 6:18 AM

@Nalmcruto then you didn't read the post by MagixDerek then? He is part of the developing team for Vegas Pro. I think he would know more than any of us here speculating.

In the Vegas forum, we have the developers such as @MagixDerek (to us in the Vegas forum, he is know as VEGASDerek) posting, helping with issues and when the next patch will be coming. Also other developers have commented on specific bugs posted by users that are being addressed.

That interaction seems to be missing in this forum. Does that mean that MMS/VPX are dead? I don't think so. Right now, Vegas Pro is the focus product. Notice the word "focus".

As for bugs, they will always be there. Anyone here in the Resolve forum or any other software forum?

Last changed by Reyfox on 3/23/2024, 6:19 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver 25.3.1

32GB Corsair 3200 RAM

Two 1TB NVME, 2TB SSD, 6GB Mechanical Storage, 5TB Backup

browj2 wrote on 3/23/2024, 8:14 AM


Whatever happened to @MagixJeff - Jeff Krebbs? We got this, then nothing.

Being seen to be doing something is often as important as doing something.

As for bugs, they will always be there.

Yes, but when certain bugs are clearly demonstrated and shown to Magix and are of the nature that stops one from being able to use the product properly, I expect something to be done - within a reasonable delay.

For VPX, the bug with the Project Temp Folder has been there for many months. Specifically, putting a trimmed clip or a group of clips into the PTF puts it as 1 second long instead of the correct duration. There was a previous bug with this - the trimmed clip always started at 0 instead of the trim point. Magix fixed that but added a new bug.

Another example - Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab 4 starts up with an error message. The same error message pops up when you try to add a file to the timeline. This should have been fixed; Magix has refused to fix it. Magix includes Steinberg SpectraLayers Elements 10 - but it can't be used in the program due to an interface bug. There are more and Magix has been made aware of them, but the team has been put on Samplitude.

Stuff like this turns off users.

John CB

John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

MagixDerek wrote on 3/23/2024, 9:08 AM

Whatever happened to MagixJeff

He and Magix have parted ways.

Nalmcruto wrote on 3/23/2024, 9:23 AM

I found that these CEOs or officials lack real understanding and love for Magix products, and they just regard it as a phased work.

Reyfox wrote on 3/23/2024, 9:29 AM


Bugs that have been documented and been around for a long time are issues that a lot of software suffer from. Without a lot of resources (money and programmers) some just won't get fixed. I can't answer for VPX/MMS programmers. I am sure they are doing the best that they can with what they have. It's easy to point out a bug. Debugging with thousands and thousands of line of code is something else entirely. If the fixes were easy, they would have been done already. Sometimes, "tearing the house down" and starting over is the only way. But again, resources. I did object oriented programming decades ago so have a slight idea what programming is about and how integrating everything isn't as easy as people think it is.

Right now, it has been clearly stated that Vegas Pro is the "focus" of Magix. I would guess that means giving the software the necessary resources to do what is needed going forward. Maybe after that, the programmers will concentrate on VPX/MMS. It's just a guess. But I can see MMS having one flavor only, and the next step up would be VPX.

At this moment, I can edit hours without any crashes with Vegas Pro 21, using a lot of OFX plugins. The recent improvements that have been is in stability, with features taking second place. Not the other way around, with features first, stability second. BUT, they are still bringing new features to the table too. They (the programmers) are working on updating the video engine for improved timeline performance, something that users have complained about. Can't wait for the next patch! And it has been reported that Vegas Pro 22 development has started!

What Magix should do is offer a cross-grade for VPX/MMS users to Vegas Pro. Yes, they will have to learn that an overlay is exactly that, the asset is placed "over" the main video track. But they will automatically get improved OFX support, better compositing, and more extensive codec support. Anyone can give the trial version of Vegas Pro 21 a go and see if they like it enough to consider cross-grading over to it. I won't use "upgrading" since I know how sensitive some people are about VPX/MMS. It's just a thought....

gregory-battaglia wrote on 6/6/2024, 12:21 PM

Magix should have run a very strong campaign and radically lowered prices, especially for version upgrades, and faced the harsh reality! If prices continue at these levels I don't see any chance! Hard and cruel truth because "Money doesn't take home insults"

Damage as been done. A lot of users left, and they aren’t going to come back to a product that can’t develop on pace with where they went, and likely doesn’t have the number or quality of features they’ve become accustomed to.

Getting back defectors is extremely hard, especially when they’re saving money elsewhere.

Strong campaign with what money? Most people on music production forums are likely running some type of AdBlock, anyways, since those places abuse you if you don’t have one (KVR, GearSpace, VI-Control… YouTube).


Hi Eric,

I sent you a PM with the links.

Since Magix has parted ways with Xara, they have removed the photo editor from MMS/VPX, PhotoDesigner 7, and replaced it with a link to MS Paint, PaintShop Pro is likely the best alternative for users except those who have PhotoShop.

John CB

Affinity Photo, Designer, Publisher? Also available on iPad with full Pencil support, BTW… A lot better than Corel or Xara’s software. Issue is that stuff isn’t developed at a pace to achieve and maintain competitiveness with other products it only has value as bundleware or Humble Bundle deals

if you could afford PSP or Xara, Affinity was cheaper - and better. There was no point.

Honestly, don’t waste money on Corel software. They are just like MAGIX, just with graphics design and office software instead of audio production software and plugins. Corel has been known as a software graveyard for years. It’s literally a meme…

None of this surprises me. I almost expected this to be the case due to how their pricing had worked out. They were clearly freefalling and trying to make up the gap by overcharging their current users at upgrade time while minimizing any investment in development.

MAGIX should have let that Sony software stay dead and invested those millions in improving their own product lines. Samplitude could have really improved a ton if they had done that. But it’s a bit too late. The opportunity cost has been paid, and you can’t get that lost time/investment back.

Xara’s software became worthless when Serif released Affinity Photo and Designer at those low price points. Same with PaintShop Pro and anything below CorelDraw Graphics Suite in specific market segments (same situation as WordPerfect).

Vegas Pro and Video Pro X are a hard sell against Resolve Studio, now that PCs have good GPUs even at the mid-range of the market. VEGAS still doesn’t have a decent video engine, and Video Pro X isn’t much better when you turn off the Auto Proxy view, while having way worse OFX compatibility and no VST3 Support (though MaGIX is historically bad with VST3, so that may not be a negative).

Ironically, SpectraLayers was the best product they acquired from them - and the one they got rid of. It wouldn’t be what it is today if MAGIX had kept it though. What Steinberg has done would have taken MAGIX two decades to pull off.

This company needs new leadership - someone who understands the creative software market and is willing to make hard decisions and disappoint a few niche fan bases.

I think the reputation of the company and their products is going to be difficult to overcome with higher end users, though. For most people, MAGIX is a “Hard No,” just like Corel.


gregory-battaglia wrote on 6/6/2024, 12:22 PM

Sharks smelling someone's blood in the water????? Time for shake ups and a wise ups, Magix!

Reyfox wrote on 6/6/2024, 1:39 PM

An old thread. Much has been updated since then..... Vegas is still going strong with rumors of Vegas 22 on the horizon. "AI" has made it to Magix MMS/VPX along with the Vegas HUB, text to speech, speech to text. So, there are improvements going on. It is never at the pace of what users want. And still some bugs get left over and over. But, they are still there. Maybe it's time for letting go some product lines, integrating products to function with each other, and improve what is out there.

As for MMS prices, cheap. VPX? Maybe. Vegas definitely!

john_barr wrote on 6/26/2024, 1:23 PM

I want to see Sound Forge issues fixed and VST3 support improvements.

GRB wrote on 7/1/2024, 10:27 AM

My personal experience with the new products, support in last 6-9 months, and directional focus (Product and Magix Team) I've heard mentioned in my own communications, tells me that this is not "an end" to Magix... and actually appears to be a good direction so far (maybe more resources and backing?)... I don't know this first hand, but again, appears to be so to me....

Let's hope for more good stuff coming down the pipeline! 👍💯🎶🙏✌️

Last changed by GRB on 7/1/2024, 10:28 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

GRB wrote on 7/1/2024, 11:05 AM

I think they all show promise and direction. This recent article released backs that up too!

Can be found at:

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.