Magenta Sliders in Sound Forge and Vegas Pro driving me crazy!!!

Carl-Rozicki wrote on 3/27/2021, 9:35 PM

Whenever I open Track FX in Sound Forge, or Vegas, the sliders are Magenta in Color, they show just fine in Acid Pro, but with a Magenta Color in Vegas and Sound Forge.
The Track Compressor is the worst looking one, because even the divider between the VU meters is Magenta
I imagine the Magenta is actually supposed to be Transparent, (If I remember my windows colors for Icons etc), but instead it's showing up as magenta, and is really hard on the eyes after a night of editing/recording.

I'm on Windows 10, latest update etc
Can anybody help? This is one of those things where the FX work, they just aren't displaying correctly and is just all out annoying.

Vegas 15, and Sound Forge 12 look like the screenshot below for what used to be the SONY Track FX that come bundled with each product, the FX look just fine in Acid Pro 8 however.
All the FX titled Track Compressor, Track EQ, Paragraphic EQ etc.
When I click on ABOUT in Vegas the FX says "Acid Track FX 1" Version 1.1.12 (Build 2200) 64-Bit"
When I click on the "?" button in Sound Forge for the FX, it says "Legacy Track FX Help"
Each of the offending FX seem to be from XFX 1, XFX 2, and XFX 3
But WHERE are they?
Are they in a common folder and being used by Acid, Vegas, and Sound Forge, or does each program have their own set?
If they ARE common among the three programs, why would they show up correctly in ACID, but not Sound Forge and Vegas?


rraud wrote on 3/28/2021, 11:36 AM

That is annoying. It is not normal either, nor have I experienced it or had read any reports of that abnormality. Try the legacy Sound Forge display color (white), though I have doubts it will do anything.

Did this abnormality appear with the installation of SF or other, If VP, Acid and SF are all Magix the FX would be shared, If one of the apps is SCS (Sony), there could be second instance. Maybe contact Magix tech support on this one

Screen shot of Track Comp from SFP-15 on my Win 10 PC, which additionally has SFP-10 , 12,13,14; VP 9 and 16.

btw, @Carl-Rozicki, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum sorry I do not have a solution

Carl-Rozicki wrote on 3/29/2021, 2:41 PM

These are all Magix Products.
If they're all shared, then that's even more frustrating because those same FX show up normally in Acid Pro 8.
I'm tempted to uninstall and reinstall them, as long as my activation Keys still work.