Lost password to cd video saver 8:th edition charge 2.0 dvd

Michael-Sidsten wrote on 1/6/2022, 6:49 AM


For some years ago I bought video saver with a cd and when I install the cd on a new computer the program ask aftergmail.com

a password but I can not found the password. How do I continue do I have to buy new soft and hardware. Can I please get a

password to my email.

Best regards



emmrecs wrote on 1/6/2022, 6:56 AM


Welcome to the Magix user to user forums, so not a contact for any Magix staff and no-one is going to email you any password, sorry.

Assuming this is the password that you used to create your Magix account, your only option, I think, is to email infoservice@magix.net, giving them as much detail as possible about your purchase and ask if they can help you to reset your account password.


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Michael-Sidsten wrote on 1/9/2022, 3:40 AM

thanks is it possible to by a new cd with password only