Live Pads goes to choppy sound when finish the first 12 or 16 full qrt

juanmantovar wrote on 11/21/2023, 7:24 PM

I am using the Live Pad with one of the templates. The problem is when finish of playing the first 12 or 16 full quarters and go back to the beginning of the quarters and start playing staggered. And so it gives me choppy sound until I get no sound from the Live Pads arrangement at all.


SP. wrote on 11/22/2023, 4:59 AM

@juanmantovar This sounds like your processor gets overloaded.

In case you don't have an external USB audio interface I recommend the following settings:

Open the Music Maker program settings and go to the Audio/MIDI tab. Select the Music Maker ASIO driver. Click on the Advanced button to open the driver settings. Select your audio input and audio output and set the buffer size to something reasonable like 512 samples. If the sound still stutters increase the buffer size to 1024 samples or 2048 samples.