If I were able to publish a song from Magix and used any of the vocals that came with it, would I be able to still publish my song and make a profit from that even if the vocals came with the software?
The End User License Agreement (EULA) clearly states that the music content of MMM and the Soundpools DVD's can be used for commercial purposes (for profit).
Obviously, original contect that you have created can be used as you please and is automatically protected by copyright when published (at least in the USA).
Any other media (e.g. video, photo's, etc.) from MMM or any other MAGIX product can be shared, but can NOT be used commercially (for profit).
Any other third-party media cannot be used commercially (for profit) or otherwise without the written consent of the copyright holder.
Please read the Terms of Service (Section VII) and the EULA (Section 6.) at the bottom of any MAGIX website page.