
rraud wrote on 10/3/2021, 5:45 PM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @Mike-McCulley.
Firstly, read the 'Sticky' and state the version of SF you have. Assuming you have Sound Forge Pro, go to "Options> Lock to Selection> Markers/Regions" (enable or disable). Audio Studio may differ some.. especially AS-12

Mike-McCulley wrote on 10/4/2021, 12:44 PM

Yep, thanks for the help!

Mike-McCulley wrote on 10/4/2021, 1:35 PM

Not working. When I do the cut, the markers still stay in place but the waveform shifts to fill the gap. I want the markers to follow the waveform as it shifts down the timeline. Maybe I am not doing it right? Do I have to select the markers I want to shift with the waveform? Thanks, Mike

rraud wrote on 10/5/2021, 10:54 AM

You do not have to select the markers.
If you want the markers to stay with the data that is already on the timeline, lock the markers to the selection.
Are the markers in the copied data you are pasting in?

Gap? Are you editing in the 'Event' edit mode or 'Normal edit'? I
btw, you still did not state which version you are using.

Mike-McCulley wrote on 10/5/2021, 3:35 PM

I am using SFpro 15. I am not pasting in any material. I just need to delete that section. For some reason I am not locking the markers correctly. I guess I don't understand the difference between "Event" and "Normal" Mode either. I see no indication that it is on, when I select Options, Lock to Selection, Markers. What is the need for the Enable button? Do you have to click on that first? Very confusing for a Newbie. Mike


rraud wrote on 10/5/2021, 6:03 PM

I do not think I understand what you want to do. Nor do I understand what you mean by a "gap".. is that a silent space in the timeline? Explain again what wish to do and include screenshots if possible.