Is there a "fade to black" effect?

chercomp wrote on 9/7/2010, 8:40 PM

Just got this Movie Edit Pro software and am trying to learn how to use it. I see all sorts of fade effects (that I will never use) but no simple "fade out (or in) to black". It would seem that this would be the most popular fade. Is there any way I can achieve this effect?

Also, how do you create a movie of the same video clip multiple times? I'm trying to make a relaxation DVD of a burning fireplace to play on my TV so I downloaded a 10 min. clip from Utube and converted it to Mpeg-2.  I want about an hour play time so I imported the same video clip multiple times to make up an hour. When I tried to access the file I get a msg that says something about an incorrect path and using the same video clip.  Has anyone out there done this and, if so, how?

Thanks for any help.


cpc000cpc wrote on 9/8/2010, 5:05 AM



Fade to (or from) black is built in to every object -- video, or still image. In timeline mode you will see two little sort of arrow shaped icons at the very top right and left of the selected clip. Simply drag either in towards the center of the object and you should get a sloping line that indicates the range of the fade in/out. In addition, in the center is a diamond shaped icon which you can drag up and down to adjust the overall brightness of an object.


As to multiple use of a short clip, I've not had any problems there but you might, rather than importing over and over again, try importing once and then duplicating the clip as necessary by right clicking on it and picking 'Copy object' and then elsewhere doing a 'Paste object', or easier simply hold down [Ctr] while you drag the (copy of) your object to a new position on the timeline.


Note: It's useful if you indicate the version of the program you are using. There have been many changes from say MEP10 to MEP16+ or VPX2.5. I'm reasonably sure the above is valid for any version, but for some questions an answer may be version specific.





1940 wrote on 9/29/2012, 9:13 PM

I am trying to find how to do this in Video Pro -4 which I am looking at and comparing.

Can you please help?


Last changed by 1940 on 9/29/2012, 9:13 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Dell 9020 Intel Core i5 4590 CPU 3.30Ghz 16GB Ram Nvidea Quadro K200
Dell T7500 Intel Xeon X5570@ 2.93 + 2.93 (2 Proc) Ram 48 GB Nvidea Quadro FX 5800
Dell T3600 E5-1620 4core 16GB Ram NVS 315
Win 10 Pro x64 21H2 on all
MEP 16 Plus,
MEP Premium 2017,
PowerDirector 16, and 365
Video Pro X

cpc000cpc wrote on 9/29/2012, 10:12 PM

As describe in my first answer:

I've not VPX4 but should be same but for perhaps icon shape.