Is it possible to do a "freeze frame sequence" effect in MEP?

akstormrider wrote on 2/17/2013, 4:26 PM

I want to reproduce an effect where it looks like a still shot is taken during the video, and that still stays on the screen even as the video continues rolling. So like a sequence shot in an action sports magazine, but with video rolling through it.

Similar to this tutorial for After Effects?



cpc000cpc wrote on 2/17/2013, 7:35 PM


Easily done. Depending on your version of MEP there may be some difference in detail but it's a simple three step process.

  • Capture your still frame using 'File' >> 'Export movie' >> 'Single frame as BMP...' (or JPG...). Make sure you set the resolution to at least as good as your video project.
  • Import the still image to the timeline and adjust its length as needed. Use a lower (higher number) track than your video.
  • Use 'Effect' tab >> 'Movement effects' >> Size/position' to achieve your picture in picture effect.




akstormrider wrote on 2/17/2013, 7:39 PM



Easily done. Depending on your version of MEP there may be some difference in detail but it's a simple three step process.

  • Capture your still frame using 'File' >> 'Export movie' >> 'Single frame as BMP...' (or JPG...). Make sure you set the resolution to at least as good as your video project.
  • Import the still image to the timeline and adjust its length as needed. Use a lower (higher number) track than your video.
  • Use 'Effect' tab >> 'Movement effects' >> Size/position' to achieve your picture in picture effect.




What about masking off everything but the moving object, as shown in that tutorial vid?

cpc000cpc wrote on 2/18/2013, 5:24 AM

Sorry I'd not watched all the way through as the beginning instructions had a direct parallel in MEP. Their example is relatively easy as the bike rider is seen against evenly blue sky. In MEP you would again use a movement effect but this time 'Section/zoom' or 'Section' making sure the 'Fill screen' box is un-ticked. Unfortunately MEP does not support irregular shaped cutouts. Now remove the background...

If your subject is also against the sky the next step would be to go to 'Effects' >> 'Video effects' >> 'Chroma key' and choose blue box to make the sky transparent (and also any blue part of the subject). Though there are other color options I'd suggest preprocessing the still in any good image editing program where you can hand paint out unwanted complex areas (eg trees) with a pure color before importing and applying the chroma key. Choices are blue, green, white and black. There is also a free choice color you pick off the preview screen but it lacks the fine tuning controls of the basic set. Hand masking is a bit of work but you are probably only going to do a few images, not every frame of a video!

What version of MEP are you using? The Magix ad for MEP 2013 says "NEW! Completely new chroma key engine for perfect object extraction". I've not done any comparisons with old versions.

Hope this helps,
