Hi, I have licenses for Sound Forge 11 and Sound Forge 16. Version 11 was still Sony and bundled with the Izotope Mastering Suite. This suite of plug-ins was awesome and comparable to anything today. I have multiple computers and have been running both version 11 and 16 on different computers. This Mastering Plug-In Suite worked fine in Sound Forge 16, as well, which has that feature to install legacy plug-ins. But, now, I'm heartbroken.
My SSD failed in one of my computers. I installed a new SSD and started a fresh install of Windows 11. When I tried to re-install Sound Forge Pro, it installs fine, but, I can't get the plug-in to work. Magix doesn't include the Izotope plug-in file from Izotope on Version 11 with its download in my account, nor do all the bundled plug-ins install automatically like it does in version 16 including the Izotope bundle in Version 16, but, I had a copy of this Mastering Suite plug-in with my serial which I got from Izotope, several years ago, and everything and it worked before when I installed it in Windows 11. I also had the Sony file from when I bought it.
Now, Windows installs the file. But, when I go to install the plug-in into Sound Forge, it completes the install in Preference/Options and puts the files in Program Filesx86 under the Izotope folder. But when I try to open the plug-in to use it from the drop-down, it brings up the Authorization Screen from Izotope, but, before I can enter my credentials, Sound Forge freezes and crashes and I have to re-start my computer. It was working before in Windows 11.
I have not upgraded to Sound Forge 18 and I was thinking about doing it this month with the special pricing, but, there's nothing new and exciting in features from Sound Forge 16, in my opinion, that's important to me, unless it has improved the way it imports legacy plug-ins. As for Steinberg, I find the learning curve in the older version makes it really too time consuming and I think AI is coming in to streamline those kind of tasks, anyway. Short of Steinberg, none of the new features excite me.
Can anyone help? You'd have to pay $1000 for the top of line Izotope plug-ins to get anything that is close to duplicating all those legacy Mastering Suite plug-ins and even if they are 32-bit, I use it all the time and I am lost without it. Really lost. It restores everything simply and efficiently and quickly. It has the Exciter, the EQ, the Limiter, and all those pre-sets and other options. I once asked Izotope about it and they told me it is close to duplicated, but, only in their top of line offering around $1000.
Oh, and all four of my computers run Windows 11 and are state of the art. Sounds like it could be some new Windows update that caused the conflict, but, I need help. I have no clue how to get the plug-in to work again.
Please help! Thank You!