installation corrupt

minden2 wrote on 7/16/2011, 6:12 AM

After downloading movie edit pro 17 + HD download version

As the installation completed, the power went off my pc, When windows 7 64 bit  recovered the  program wouldn't start .I tried to remove program with windows programs and features but error can't open to remove.

deleted reg entries and all the folders and files I could find.

but when i try and reinstall ,the install program  stops on: cannot install ,found related program,remove with programs and features.

Movie edit pro 17 + hd is not  in programs and features any more    

I cannot install movie edit pro 17 + hd , please any ideas !!             



john-auvil wrote on 7/19/2011, 11:52 AM

Try logging into the Magix Support page:

Go to Downloads, Tools and others, Magix Clean...

Download that, and run it, perhaps it can remove residuals of the program that might still exist so you can then reinstall the software, minus power outages.

minden2 wrote on 7/20/2011, 2:19 AM

thanks for the answer,

tried running Magix cleaner ,but did not work

It will install magix movie edit pro 17 but not the plus version which I bought

kind regards

john-auvil wrote on 7/20/2011, 9:47 AM

Is this a disc version or download version?

Your original post said that it was Movie Edit Pro 17 + HD, this is why I wonder.

You might want to contact the service department to see if they can assist you with the serial number. That is what would determine if the product was standard vs plus.

minden2 wrote on 7/21/2011, 1:16 AM

Thanks john, i did not realize there was 2 versions but i have bought the download plus version