I am operating windows vista, The microphone says "Conexant high defination smart audio 221" there is no option to change to "Line In" If I click on microphone and look into "Properties" I get the following information.
General Sound, video and game controllers.
Advanced Default format : Select sample rate and bit depth (set at 2ch,16bit,44100hz CD. Others up to 24bit,96000hz, Studio quality.
Exclusive Mode: Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device (checked). Give exclusive mode applications priority (checked).
Signal enhancements: Allows extra signal processing by the audio device. Enable audio enhancements (checked)
Hi Fi Amp Connections. All jacks red & white. Centre plug, outer socket (ground)
CD Line out, Aux (record player), Tape play/record, LD VD in Audio, VD in VCR in, VCR out, play, record. (not used)
Mon/TV Mon out
Hope this info is sufficient. HELP