Independence Pro 3.3 VST path?

Rod-Mielo wrote on 12/21/2021, 2:59 PM

Win 10, etc.

Should be easy enough to find the path to copy my VSTs according to the help file, but Independence isn't finding the VSTs I have installed.

I copied many VST folders to the folder labeled in preferences (user folder), ie:c:\users\my name\documents\independence and no joy.

I assume this is the wrong folder path to copy the VSTs?

What's the right path, please?



SP. wrote on 12/21/2021, 5:07 PM

@Rod-Mielo Yes, it is some cryptic path like C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Independence\VST Plug-Ins

After placing your VST effect plugins there you can load them via Insert FX > Add insert FX > VST Effects on the Modules tab.


Rod-Mielo wrote on 12/21/2021, 11:44 PM

Oh, there it is, hidden folder et al. Easy to find.😜

The program is doing it's scan now.......20 minutes into it....lots of activity using many cores of the cpu. I'll be adding the(space /NOVSTGROVEL) attribute and hope that works on future startups. I'll mark this thread as "solution" and hope the scan works.


Thank you, SP. Regards.

Rod-Mielo wrote on 12/22/2021, 3:38 PM

Welp, no joy. Seems this path is also not the Grail. Any other suggestions? Anyone?

Removed "solution" tag. Help file says to add the VST files into the "application folder". There are multiple paths available that look like the "application folder" shown in the Help file.



SP. wrote on 12/22/2021, 4:10 PM

@Rod-Mielo Try a 64 bit VST Instrument. Independence is 64 bit.

Rod-Mielo wrote on 12/22/2021, 4:18 PM

Roger that. Tried 64 bit Octane, and JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction again. Marked as "Solution" once again.

SP. wrote on 12/22/2021, 4:31 PM

@Rod-Mielo You can use a tool like jBridge to wrap 32 bit plugins in a 64 bit DLL. Then you should also be able to load old 32 bit VSTs. jBridge costs 15€ but there is a free demo which allows you to use a wrapped plugin for 20 minutes before it goes silent.