we had a win10 pc that crashed with Sound Forge 12 on it and all our mastering presets. The system does not start anymore, but the disc is still accessible.
Is there any chance to read out this presets on the crashed system and copy them to the new one manually?
I found a 'Presets' folder under the AppData/Local/Magic/SOUND FORGE directory with a bracke folder {... numbers ...} in it, where most of the presets seem to be stored into. But copying this one does not help. Is there some registry entry needed to point on that directory?
Please do not refer to the Preset Manager. We did backups with this tool on an external drive, and now all this files can not be opened! Preset Manager says that they contain an error or are of a wrong format - we have been horrified!
For me the handling and backup of the presets is very unsatisfacory in Sound Forge.
Anyway, I hope you can help us to bring back the presets with some manual work. Thanks.