I want to record my band with the music studio and video at the same time, is there one program that can do that, I don't want to match up voice and video but I want to clean up audio.??
Which ever way you look at the problem you need a camera to capture the video and as you . . . . don't want to be matching up voice and video . . . . then the camera is also going to have to record the audio to ensure it is in sync.
Therefore you have a couple of options -
Use high quality external mikes connected to a good video camera if you want stereo then two mono mikes suitably placed or a stereo mike are required.
Supply an audio feed to the camera from, for example a mixing desk, if you have one - this is dependant on the audio equipment you have.
Yes, MMM can do videos, but the output will not be HD. Just import or drag the video onto one of the tracks in the Arranger. You will still have to match by moving it to line up with the separately recorded audio track. By zooming in, you can get very close.