
john-auvil wrote on 1/5/2012, 10:30 AM

It might be in a font format that is not recognized by the program.

Is there a way you can send me the link to download this font? I can test it out to verify.

GOZO wrote on 1/5/2012, 12:21 PM

Ah I take it from that bank gothic font has been installed on the PC I am working on and thus may be the source of the problem - the font is listed when I go in the titles so I suspect that it is picking it up from the list on my PC. It sounds like I need to try to reload the font from somewhere

first screen shot shows the font listed

second screenshot shows the font being entered correctly onscreen

third screen shot as I click the tick to accept it goes back to default


I am not an expert in the software so a bit of newbie - but will try to download a font pack again and see if that cures it


Thanks for initial response

GOZO wrote on 1/6/2012, 4:49 AM

Ok fixed I reloaded a fontpack from below and looks like Magix recognises it - so thanks for the steer John