
gandjcarr wrote on 12/24/2012, 9:52 AM


I did get your private message but thought it would be better to answer in the forum.  You probably have not had any replies to your post because you did not provide very much information.  Things like what make and model of DVD burner do you have, is it a internal burner or external, are you using a laptop or a desktop PC,  have you ever burned a DVD before (not a data disc) with your burner, and if so what program did you use to burn it.  While I am asking questions I might as well also ask how much RAM you have.

This information is important to avoid giving you a bunch of things to try, most of which will not work.

Good Luck,


videosnutten wrote on 12/26/2012, 4:34 AM

Try to execute :"magix_burn_routines_2010_9.0.0.193_uk.exe"