I have Magix Edit Pro 17 Plus. When I drag a JPG file unto a track it appears on the track but it does not show on the video screen. Do you know why this is? When I drag a AVI or MPG file to the track I CAN see it in the video screen. What is causing this

stonera57 wrote on 1/27/2011, 8:08 AM

I have Magix Edit Pro 17 Plus. When I drag a JPG file unto a track it appears on the track but it does not show on the video screen. Do you know why this is? When I drag a AVI or MPG file to the track I CAN see it in the video screen. What is causing this


john-auvil wrote on 1/27/2011, 1:13 PM

I can see the .jpg files I drag in, so I am pretty sure that it is not the program.



Possibly, there is something different about your .jpg file? Have you tried just starting a new project, load in one of the .jpg photos... if it does not display in the preview monitor, press play to see if that starts it... if it does, it appears that the beginning potion of the photo is empty, I have seen this happen within the project, but when I play it, I can see the photo in the preview, and the export comes out flawless.

Just something you might want to try out.

stonera57 wrote on 1/27/2011, 1:36 PM

Thanks for your answer, but that is exactly the problem. I see the JPEG appear on the track bar, but when I press play, it does not show up. It works perfectly in Magix Video 2008, but not in Magix Edit Pro 17 plus.

john-auvil wrote on 2/3/2011, 11:56 AM

Does this happen with all image files or just jpeg?

cpc000cpc wrote on 5/31/2011, 8:50 PM



Like j-a, I've never had any problem with images in any version of MEP. Sometime a video clip has a few blank frames at the start but a still (other than an animated gif) should be constant.


A couple of possibilities: Any chance you have your jpegs on a track which has been muted? Is the duration of your image long enough  to show up? Also be sure that your play cursor is in position to show your image -- I'd suggest zooming in and moving along a frame at a time with the arrow keys.


Some things to check: Right click on your jpeg and go to 'Properties'. Is MEP seeing the correct pixel size and aspect ratio. Another test would be to select your image and go to 'Movement Effects' tab and under size and position do a full size or maximize and center.


