I have connected a Alesis usb mixer /interface to PC and ACL14 does not recognise it so I can no longer record i have various other software and they all work fine I used to use a soundblaster card and all worked fine

vert wrote on 11/19/2008, 3:31 AM
Hi again,
            I have tried all the normal set up procedures and nothing seems to work,I can record with cubebase LE,soundforge studio 9 with no problems,but they do not have the automated LP recording that I like in ACLab,one thing thats maybe a thought is that the version I have is a download version 14 maybe it was not down loaded correctly? also you mentioned ASio....now my disc for my Alesis mentions WDM /Asio drivers but when I select The Alesis usb in the program it shows WDM driver I have suspected this as a possible cause but am not sure how to fix this,alsowhen I had my sound blastercard activated it showed Asio driver.this is fustrating the hell out of me I must of done something bad in the past! Regards Trevor


NoTurning wrote on 11/19/2008, 8:29 AM
You have to go to the settings/options of ACL and change the sound interface to the Alesis. Most programs will just follow what Windows has in it's sound/audio devices. Magix does not do this so you can use multiple interfaces - a great feature for me but a nuisance for you.
Let me know if you get this solved,
NoTurning wrote on 11/20/2008, 8:26 AM
Hi again,
I'm very familiar with the Alesis and I think you made a good choice. I've long been a proponent on this site for recording interfaces instead of sound cards.

Is any program able to record with the Alesis? ACL should see your Alesis whether it's an external device or not. That is the beauty of Magix; I have multiple recording devices including USB and Firewire - I simply choose the correct recording interface in the playback parameters or record dialog. Do you have the option of choosing ASIO at all?

You can download a free recording software called Audacity - it's a great utility and will help you determine if you are able to record with your Alesis.

Also make sure that the Alesis is the default recording device in Windows. Go to the Control Panel; then to Sound and Audio Devices (you may have to switch to classic view) and then to the Audio Tab. Half way down you will see 'Sound Recording' and a Default Device pull-down menu. Make sure the Alesis is listed there as default device.

Let me know if that helps otherwise we'll keep going,
NoTurning wrote on 11/20/2008, 9:03 AM
Since your problem seems to be driver related. Go to www. and download the ASIO bundle for windows. It works wonderfully with USB interfaces and corrects many recording problems. I think this may be your solution.