I have a connon t3i that shoots HD but when I upload it it becomes slow and choppy, but when i film in standard quality I have no problem, any advice? starz15808 wrote on 1/11/2016, 7:37 PM Anytime I upload HD video from my cannon t3i the footage becomes really choppy oppose to me filming in standard resolution. Back to post
Comments johnebaker wrote on 1/12/2016, 2:29 AM Hi What is your computer specification and Windows version? John EB starz15808 wrote on 1/12/2016, 5:27 AM it is an asus windows 8 notebook laptop johnebaker wrote on 1/12/2016, 12:23 PM Hi Thank you for replying however . . . . . asus windows 8 notebook laptop . . . . is not the specification. When giving the specification of a computer it should include the following: Windows version Processor make, model type and speed Graphics card chipset or card make and model Hard disc drive type, size, number and configuration. Program version/ fullname and version number. Assuming the Asus is a standard model notebook then it will probably have a dual core processor and 8GB of RAM. If so then it does not meet the minimum requirement for HD video,and will give choppy playback of the timeline with HD video from the Canon . See the minimum system requirements here. John EB 1