I cannot work out how to get sound, when importing from a VHS. The cables are not right, but I cannot understand what else I can do. I am using the USB connection on my computer. I can import the VHS picture, but no sound. help!!! i am cracking up....

shona wrote on 3/3/2009, 3:49 PM

Just got the  Rescue your video tapes pack.  I cannot work out how to get sound, when importing from a VHS.  The cables are not right, but I cannot understand what else I can do. 
The manual is not easyto follow.  I need help in where to put the connections.  I have windows XP and a Mesh computer. I am using the USB connection on my computer.  I can import the VHS picture very well, but no sound.  Help!!! i am cracking up....not a techno lady!!   Someone stupid should write the instructions for people like me!!   One day wasted!!!


Jacinta wrote on 3/4/2009, 4:06 AM
From your VHSmachine you need a stick with 20 pins - from here there are cable ending in black, yellow and read jack. These are to put into the computer and then maybe it works - try it
NoTurning wrote on 3/4/2009, 8:34 AM
Perhaps a bit more detail and we can help. What cables are not right? What color are the ends? A VHS machine usually has Yellow, White (sometimes black) and Red. They also usually have multiple sets of these. Looking closely at the back of the machine you will see them labeled. You are looking for Audio OUT. It will be a Red and White pair often right above or below a yellow jack. Yellow is video, white is audio left and red is audio right. By connecting to the audio OUT of your VHS it will send signal IN to your USB adapter. If you still have no sound, try moving to different red and white jacks until you find the working pair.
NoTurning wrote on 3/4/2009, 8:17 PM
Nice job!!! See... you are a techno lady ~_^