Hello fellow friends,
I have Magix Movie Edit Pro 2014 and I'm using a PC with Windows 10.
I'm having trouble getting the zoom function to set. I go into "effects", "movement effects", "camera/zoom" and then I follow the instructions I found on 2 different YouTube videos..........but even after I get the little diamond shape icons to show up on the area that should show me where the zoom in and out would be happening, when I hit "play", there is NO change in the video at all !! No zoom happens. I've clicked on every option under the DURATION window but nothing works. Please help !!
I've been on this for hours and even the "help" from Magix, doesn't explain what I'm doing wrong.
Also, on the tutorials I found on YouTube, there are little orange guide dots and a dotted white line that appears around the preview screen ............... No matter what I do on my computer, the orange guide dots don't show up around the full image automatically. I have to click and drag for them to show up, and then when I do, I can get some really crazy shapes because the proportions don't stay.
If you can help, I would really appreciate it.
Sincerely yours,