How to remove black borders after screen capture with Movie Edit Pro MX Plus?

perriced wrote on 8/27/2012, 4:25 PM

Hi, what am I doing wrong?  How can I remove the black borders around the exported video of a screen capture?  I've played with "Section" and "Position" effects to no avail as well as altering the area originally captured.  Is this even possible, or just inherent in the process?  thanks for any help,



cpc000cpc wrote on 8/27/2012, 7:18 PM


Sounds like maybe a mismatch between the format of your originals, the settings for your project, or the final type of export, but you give no details. What are the dimensions of the capture? What are you project settings? Does the MEP preview window show borders during editing? What is your export format eg BluRay, regular DVD, or perhaps a mobile device?




perriced wrote on 8/28/2012, 3:18 AM

Carl, well, I try with various capture dimensions, and--by the way--I'm using the MEP screen capture itself (so I would suppose there to be a "natural" flow from capture to export??).  Also, I'm exporting as "output to video file" using the lowest quality setting with both WMV and the MP2/4.  The preview window DOES show the black borders.  As far as settings, well, I'm afraid I haven't thought that part through; here's where I was wondering if I might need some guidance....

anyway, thanks.   I hope I've provided a bit more info, Dave

perriced wrote on 8/28/2012, 2:49 PM

Carl, after reading your comments, I tried to delve a bit deeper.  It seems that if I set "Recording Quality" in the Screen Capture Dialogue box  to "MXV Full Screen", this does the trick.  Although the borders still show in the preview window, when I export and use in Reallusion CTA, the borders are absent (which was my desire).  Does this seem consistent with what you might advise?  Anyway, thanks for spurring me on to--I think--sorting it out.
