how to manage film time lengths?

acmdavidson wrote on 11/11/2012, 12:25 PM

Hi, I'm a novice so this may seem stupid but I can't find the info anywhere in the manual.

I'm working in the timeline and it is only 8 mins 15 seconds long.  How do I adjust this? I want to make a film about 12-15 minutes long. 


 The advice to my last question was very helpful so thanks for that. 


gandjcarr wrote on 11/11/2012, 12:30 PM


I am a little unclear about what you are asking.  Are you saying that you have 12 - 15 minutes of video in the time line and are only getting a 8m15s video as the output, or do you only have 8m15s of material in the time line and want to stretch it out to 12-15 minutes.


terrypin wrote on 11/12/2012, 3:05 AM


You don't say what version of MEP you are using. The locations of the Help section on this obviously varies, but every version covers it and can be found under headings like Timeline or Zoom.

There, or in the PDF Manual, you'll find several ways of expanding the timeline. Probably the easiest is the keyboard hotkey Ctrl + ArrowDown, which I'm 99% sure works in every version. Also successively try Ctrl +8, Ctrl + 7 ... Ctrl + 1, and note their respective effects.

BTW, it's always appreciated when you acknowledge help as you've done (many posters don't), but the best place for it is in the thread concerned!

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Last changed by terrypin on 11/12/2012, 3:12 AM, changed a total of 4 times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)

acmdavidson wrote on 11/12/2012, 2:28 PM

to qandjcarr option b, To Terry, thanks again, phew this is tough stuff this learning. I'm using .  I'm using MEP mx

Sandy, Newcastle, orig. London