I recorded my voice in Magix Music Maker but it has a lot of background noise that I don't want. Does anyone know how to get rid of the background noise? Thanks!
Does anyone know how to get rid of the background noise?
Very simplistic answer: make sure you are recording your voice in an environment that does not have that noise!!
However, I realise that is not what you need to hear so:
What is causing that background noise? (I'm not sure what your screenshot is supposed to be showing us since any "noise" will clearly be "hidden" within at least one of the waveforms shown.)
What type/make/model of mic are you using to record your voice? (This has a much greater influence on the resulting recording than many people realise.)
How close to the mic are you when recording?
What acoustic treatment, if any, does your recording room have?
In order to help us help you further it might be very useful if you were to post a link to the audio of your voice only so we can hear exactly what you are hearing.
I often have to denoise recordings I receive from a wide variety of sources. For several years now I have made quite extensive use of iZotope RX products (version 7 is the latest). The plug ins which are part of the program can, and do, function within MM (though latency can be a problem) but they are very expensive, especially the full "Advanced" version. (I did wonder whether RX7 Elements might be available to buy and use with MM, but I can't find it listed so possibly not.)
I recorded my voice in Magix Music Maker but it has a lot of background noise that I don't want. Does anyone know how to get rid of the background noise? Thanks!
You select your object , right click and "moreoptions ", and "open with external editor" . It will open 'Magix Music editor'
( shorcut by default is control + shift + M ) , an another software by Magix , installed normally when you have installed "Magix Music Maker"
Inside "Magix Music editor" , select the tab cleaning" , , and next , clcik on the button "on" to use the denoiser , and on the vutoon "edit" to change the settings of the denoiser
Adath the "strength" of the denoiser with the rule in the below panel
Play with the settings , because it will depend of the kind of noise you have
Probably you will need to click on the button "wizard" to take a print of the noise , one moment when you don t sing
Look the little help at the bottom left for the usage
Look yoo the help inside "music editor" , in searching "denoiser"
Nevertheless , in priority you should look your micro setting .. There is probably something wrong ( too high input , for instance )
@daeell29-ukysse thanks for your response! It looks like you have the upgraded version of music maker since you have more than 8 tracks shown and have the option to "open with external editor". I have the free version without these options. Is there still a way for me to get rid of background "white noise"?
. . . . I have the free version without these options. Is there still a way for me to get rid of background "white noise"? . . .
Without upgrading the program to the Plus or Premium version, you are very restricted on noise cancellation in the free version.
It would help if you could post an example (10 - 20 secs would be enough) of the audio with the noise you are trying to eliminate
Without knowing the type of noise you are trying to remove it is difficult to advise, however if this is going to be a regular occurrence and the noise is any of the following:
background hum eg from lights or electrical equipment
general background noise eg - people, running equipment, traffic
hissing or other similar white/brown.pink noise or popping/essing
for items 1 - 3 then you should be thinking about how to improve you recording environment to eliminate the noise before you start recording.
for item 4 you need to look at the audio equipment chain from microphone to computer could it be better, is it low noise etc.
Does anyone know how to get rid of the background noise?
Very simplistic answer: make sure you are recording your voice in an environment that does not have that noise!!
However, I realise that is not what you need to hear so:
What is causing that background noise? (I'm not sure what your screenshot is supposed to be showing us since any "noise" will clearly be "hidden" within at least one of the waveforms shown.)
What type/make/model of mic are you using to record your voice? (This has a much greater influence on the resulting recording than many people realise.)
How close to the mic are you when recording?
What acoustic treatment, if any, does your recording room have?
In order to help us help you further it might be very useful if you were to post a link to the audio of your voice only so we can hear exactly what you are hearing.
I often have to denoise recordings I receive from a wide variety of sources. For several years now I have made quite extensive use of iZotope RX products (version 7 is the latest). The plug ins which are part of the program can, and do, function within MM (though latency can be a problem) but they are very expensive, especially the full "Advanced" version. (I did wonder whether RX7 Elements might be available to buy and use with MM, but I can't find it listed so possibly not.)
Rx7 Elements does show up in my system. Haven’t tried it yet. It does work in Audacity. So in a pinch you could solo the noisey track and export it. Clean it up and replace it.