How to access a remote camera - still or movie in Web Site Maker?

MillRealty wrote on 3/28/2009, 2:08 PM
Is it possibe to connect to a camera that takes stills every so many seconds or to a movie camera to a Magix Web Site Maker?  For example, I know has a way to do similar as both ends having internet so monitoring can be done at a separate location miles away. 

What I am looking for users to check into my web site and see what the weather is doing or activity from the camera, basicly a web cam.  If it can be done, how?  Using an external link?  Interal one would be preferred.   If using still camera, how can the users view the past pictures?

And, how do are other users Web Sites found?  I can not find that area anymore.


ralftaro wrote on 3/29/2009, 5:30 AM

I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible to build a feature like this into a site based on Website Maker. This would require the possibility to integrate and host some code in server and client side programming languages, which Website Maker doesn't offer.

ralftaro wrote on 3/29/2009, 2:01 PM
Hi again,

There are a lot of things that you could accomplish through external linking, but this solution would entail that the complete application that is responsible for remote-polling the webcam and displaying the images online is hosted on another server. This means that you'd still have to figure out and set up another hosting solution to accommodate the application that does all this (unless it's already completely covered by the service you mentioned) and that you wouldn't have a really neat integration into your actual website. If that works for you, I suppose an external link would be sufficient.

ralftaro wrote on 9/25/2009, 6:58 AM

I'm afraid the same thing applies: You'd still need some kind of web application that takes the incoming video stream and makes it visible in the context of a website. Since you couldn't integrate this kind of code directly into Website Maker, you would once again have to host it externally and could only link to the webcam viewer from your WSM-based site.