
ralftaro wrote on 12/29/2008, 3:08 AM
Hi there,

First you might want to clarify exactly what you want to accomplish and what you want to record the real-time playback for. Do you just want an audio file of your Music Maker arrangement, so you can use it outside the context of Music Maker? In this case, you should use the "Export" option in the "File" menu of Music Maker. This will enable you to mix down and export the arrangement in a bunch of common audio file formats.

If you really want to perform a recording of the live playback within Music Maker, for whatever reason, you could also arm one track for audio recording, use the recording function in the transport control and set the sound card mixer to record from the "Stereo Mix". In the program settings under the "Audio/MIDI" tab, you will also find an option to dump the real-time audio playback into a WAV file.

I hope this helps.