How do I properly save/export a project in a file that I can use for youtube? The program freezes every time I try to save to a file. Please help!

chilous1 wrote on 2/26/2012, 12:18 PM

How do I properly save/export a project in a file that I can use for youtube? (Using Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus)

The program freezes every time I try to save to a file. Please help!  I'm a first time user and I am not sure if I need to lock, highlight, etc all contents of the video before I export it? Help me step by step.

Thanks in advance!


cpc000cpc wrote on 2/27/2012, 4:33 AM


Welcome first time user! I'll reply as best I can, but there is a problem with use of terms which leaves me unsure just what is happening at your end.

First, 'save' and 'export' are two entirely different operations. You can Save (or 'Save as') a .VPX project file which contains only the information about the clips, sounds and images you are using and all the cuts, ordering, transitions etc. Your MEP version is the only program that can meaningful open such a file. An Export creates a new video file which might be burnt onto a DVD, played in a media player or uploaded to youtube etc,depending on the particular export format you have chosen.

There is no need to lock or highlight anything for either operation, though when you export there is an option to export a range rather than the entire project. This option is very useful if you have created say a complex transition and want to quickly check its final appearance rather than exporting the entire project. Similarly using a range is a quick way to compare different export settings to get the best balance between quality and file size.

You say the program 'freezes'. Is there no error message? The only thing I can think that would hang a program during a save operation would be trying to save to a disc (external or network) that is no longer currently available.

Hope this helps some,
