How do I merge two Magix Cleaning Lab 16 files

twills16 wrote on 4/29/2012, 9:12 PM

I imported a record in which I had problems with the second side. So I saved side one as one oroject and side two as another project. I finally got the bugscleared up on side two and now I want to merge the side one and side two files so I can burn them to a CD. So far I've had no luck in doing so. Anyone have any suggestion(s) on how to merge the two VIP files???


john-auvil wrote on 4/30/2012, 8:56 AM

Best thing I can suggest is export the second project (after cleaning) then import the result to the end of the original project.

You can either export once you have created track markers or add the track markers after importing the material into the original project. If you choose to add track markers before the export, make your you export using the feature that says each track as an individual file... this way each are written out separately.

I hope that makes sense...