As in almost all Windows programs, to select more than 1 thing, hold down the Ctrl button and click on each one. It will highlight or, in MEP, turn yellow. If, when you select one object in MEP, others turn yellow, then they are already grouped, no need to group them. In the Project Window (timeline), you can select more than one object by lassoing them - holding down the left mouse button and dragging to make window that touches the objects that you want to select together.
I don't have the Blue Puzzle title. I see that it's for sale. See below:
Make sure that you drag the title box in the preview window. Don't go too near the edges with any text box as there is a 10% border area by default. The text box will bounce back to be 10% away from the edge. This is to keep text within the "safe" area of the screen. On some TV's, text that is too close to the edge may be cut off, thus there is a safe area. You can decrease this by going to Effect in the top menu (not the Media Pool), Movie Effects Settings, TV cropping tab and changing the percentage. This is probably what you are seeing. I tested dragging the text of the caption in the first image above and was able to go into the unsafe area. I tested another one and it bounced back into the safe area, as it should. However, moving the text created problems with the background part of the caption and they went out of sync. So, you have to be careful when you move these; some don't always follow the rule and you have to manually adjust the keyframes of the all of the objects.
That said, if you use Size/Position instead of dragging the text box when you are in the text editing mode, then you can move the text outside of the safe area, even off-screen, as that is what we do when we want text or an image/video to fly in from off-screen. Again, doing this can cause sync problems between the text and the background part of the caption.
Captions that have movement and various objects that change size are actually video clips. Right-click on each of the elements in turn and look at the properties. At least one may be a video clip. These are animated videos.
To post an image directly into your text in this forum, use the Upload File button:
Each one of your highlighted tracks is a part of that text effect. You need to unlink the tracks and only select the track you need movement in.
How does one unlink ?
There are two icons of two chain links . One is broken apart. That is the unlink (Ungroup) button.
Effects layed as seperate tracks would be imported automatically linked. Selecting any one track by clicking on any clip within the group should highlight all the relevant tracks. Then clicking the Unlink button would unlink all tracks. Individual tracks can then be relinked by highlighting them (Hold Ctrl while clicking on each clip) and then using the Group (Link) button.
As you can see, you can also use the Shift G keyboard command to do the same thing.
BY THE WAY, Anyone know why my video preview is super sluggish and slow?
I have high speed mode activated on MAGIX PC TUNE SOFTWARE ?
I have a very fast business edition 2017 Dell Laptop running windows 10 PRO
Computer Model: Dell Precision 5520
Clock Speed 3Ghz
L2 Cache Size 1024
Processor Manufacturer: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1505M v6 @ 3.00GHz
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Available Memory 73.66 %
Page File Size 37,483.9MB
Available Page File 100.00 %
Virtual Memory 37,483.9MB
Available Virtual Memory 72.67 %
DIMM A 16,384.0MB
DIMM B 16,384.0MB
Drive C: Type 3 Drive Size 950.3GB Total Available Space 161.9GB Used Space 788.4GB Drive D: Type 3 Drive Size 1,862.9GB Total Available Space 305.8GB Used Space 1,557.1GB
I supose you should start with checking how you have set up MEP. Make sure you are not runing the program full pelt and are not viewing at either full resolution or seeing every frame. Using Proxy objects also helps reduce the processor and disk loading. I know that sounds bad for a high specified machine but video editing is very demanding on every component of your machine.
The spec of the machine seems fine but personally, I would reduce the allocated Page File size to the same size as the amount of ram installed and no more, as overdoing that can slow down a machine. Left to it's own devices, Windows tends to set way too much page file allocation. Also, try closing down any unwanted background programs you may have that initialise on startup. There isn't a lot of spare space on your C:\ drive for MEP to move files around while it's running, that can also cause a slowdown as it constantly reads and writes as it runs. If it's writing and reading long files they may be spread about and split up. It may be worth defragmenting all your drives so the read /write heads don't have to move about so much.
What speed is the D drive and do you store your working on projects there? It's better to have a working project on another drive other than the drive the program runs from as it makes for less disk activity on the C:\ drive, but the drive used should be at least a 7,200rpm drive with a large cache memory. Something like a Weston Digital Black or Gold drive. Red, blue, and green drives really don't quite cut it speed wise. It's normally a bad idea to have the project and the program running on the same drive at once.
You can try other things as well with varying degrees of success, such as Choosing how to allocate processor resources. Try switching from 'programs' to 'background services' or the other way around. Results can vary from machine to machine. You will find that setting and the place to adjust the amount of virtual ram in the 'Performance Options' section.
Again, personally, I would never allow a program to set my systems operating parameters. If you don't know what it's up to, you won't know what to fix when it goes pear-shaped. Better to learn how to do basic housekeeping on your machine, even it it takes a while to learn.
Any ideas on how I can speed up the mix down process?
After creating a video, I upload it to Youtube and it seems to take forever to do this. I have a very fast internet connection. I am wondering if there is some settings you can fill me in on which will accomplish my goal.
My goal is not to create Steven Speilburg stuff here, I am making simple explainer videos for Youtube, and the quality does not need to be really high, but it cannot have pixelated imagery. What is the absolute lowest / fastest video format I should upload to Youtube as? Also, I notices that youtube will buffer when loading video and it shows pixelated while loading the video, something seems off, these videos are short 1-2 minute videos, and they should load in Youtube instantly even on a slow internet connection?
Have you seen YT's own recommendations about the format of uploaded footage here? Especially, the audio sampling frequency (48 or 96 kHz) - 16 kHz is very low quality IMO - and the section under Frame Rate, which specifically says that interlaced footage should be converted to progressive. It mentions 60i being converted to 30p but I see yours is already only 30 but interlaced so not sure how YT will handle that.
What is almost certain, I think, is that your video, if uploaded to the specification you supply, will experience at least some degree of conversion by YT. The usual advice is to provide footage that will NOT require such conversion at the server.
When I am using the COLLAGE function, on 4 videos, all roughly same lengths, how come it plays only half the video and resets?
Also, how do I change the background color in collage frame from black to brown in the background? is there a way to make it brown by default for entire movie?
Have you seen YT's own recommendations about the format of uploaded footage here? Especially, the audio sampling frequency (48 or 96 kHz) - 16 kHz is very low quality IMO - and the section under Frame Rate, which specifically says that interlaced footage should be converted to progressive. It mentions 60i being converted to 30p but I see yours is already only 30 but interlaced so not sure how YT will handle that.
What is almost certain, I think, is that your video, if uploaded to the specification you supply, will experience at least some degree of conversion by YT. The usual advice is to provide footage that will NOT require such conversion at the server.
Jeff, there are so many options presented by Youtube on that page. Do you have any advice on where I can make these settings in the program, and which ones are the best?
This is really really really annoying the crap out of me. Everytime I hit the space bar, it resets back to the start of the movie, instead of staying there and playing from that location where I put my curson. Anyone know what the problem is here? HELP!!
This is really really really annoying the crap out of me. Everytime I hit the space bar, it resets back to the start of the movie, instead of staying there and playing from that location where I put my curson. Anyone know what the problem is here? HELP!!
Peter is right, you need to sick on subject with a thread. However I find the the cursor jumps to the start rather than playing from the cursor after hours of editing and adding effects etc. It is probably due to using all the available Ram or Virtual memory to remember all the changes, I really don't know. I just shut down the programme, reboot and everything is back to normal 🙂