How Do I Insert In and Out Points in MM Premium 2014

mrtrumpet wrote on 2/11/2014, 9:48 AM

I know this has to be easy, but....

How does one insert markers for in and out points in MM 2014?  I see it discussed throughout the manual, and there is even some discussion online, but nowhere does it say how you do this.  I would like to be able to copy, paste, delete, etc a given sets of notes, beats, measures, etc.  I can use the marker to set an in point, but can't find how to set the outpoint...

On the MIDI track piano roll screen I can copy and paste notes, but there still don't appear to be in and out points.  Nor can it be done for the regular screen of tracks. Also, I can open the drop-down menu for "Edit" but all of the commands to cut, edit, delete, etc. are ghosted out.

I also tried moving the yellow bar (transport controller?) as was suggested elsewhere, but that doesn't do it either.

Anybody know what I'm doing wrong and/or how to fix it?





nihon94 wrote on 2/12/2014, 8:12 AM

If I did not understand you wrongly I think you mean Punch in and out right? If so you better start Magix Music Editor. You can do that from Magix Music Maker or from All Programs/Magix/Magix Music Editor and from HELP(help file you find information such as I copied from Magix Music Editor 2 please refer:

Punch In Mode
Menu: Playback

This option activates the Punch mode. Punch-In and Punch-Out are a process automating the recording start and end of an audio segment. Once the Punch mode is active, the Punch-In Record can be used to record audio segments without stopping the playback.

Requirements for this mode are one or more armed tracks. The tracks have to be configured in the same way as for multi-track record each track has to have a specific device selection. Use the R button for each track to click the right mouse button and make the needed selection.

Hope above information will be helpful.
