
rraud wrote on 10/10/2021, 10:34 AM

Assuming you have a valid Sound Forge Pro-10 serial code and it was registered with SCS (Sony), you can download the final version (build 507) from Magix' Download Center or 'My Products' in the Magix Service Center. Use your original SCS log-in (UN and PW) which was used when you originally registered/activated it. You can also download SFP-10 from the SCS archives, I think the same log-in applies there (with the email address for re-activation).

btw, @Tim-Mccracken, serial codes and other data should not be posted on this public forum. Otherwise, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community.

Carl-Leach wrote on 10/24/2021, 7:54 PM

Do you have the receipt in your registered email? Do you have it installed on another computer? If you do then look at the "About" in the help tab on the top (assuming you can open it.) If it's installed but lost somewhere in your machine due to upgrades or such, try using Belarc Advisor (dl it) and it'll show what software you have and the serial numbers too.