How do i bring the top of the screen down? cameron_jones10 wrote on 10/16/2014, 9:45 PM the very top is the yellow line and the 1/4 note button and I want to fix it so i can figure out how to change my files into mp3 files, thanks Back to post
Comments browj2 wrote on 10/16/2014, 10:37 PM Hi and welcome to the Community, You didn't give us much information to work with. I can't see your screen and I think I know what you want to do but it would be a guess. "Change my files into MP3"? You export your project to MP3. Read up on how to export in the manual and then come back with more questions. Look near the beginning of the manual to understand what the yellow bar is for. Please supply more information, including the version of Music Maker and flavour - basic or Premium. cameron_jones10 wrote on 10/17/2014, 3:37 PM Hi and welcome to the Community, You didn't give us much information to work with. I can't see your screen and I think I know what you want to do but it would be a guess. "Change my files into MP3"? You export your project to MP3. Read up on how to export in the manual and then come back with more questions. Look near the beginning of the manual to understand what the yellow bar is for. Please supply more information, including the version of Music Maker and flavour - basic or Premium. No the top of my screen is the yellow bar and i can't see above it so i can't click open or save or anything browj2 wrote on 10/17/2014, 4:06 PM Now I understand. Press on the key F9 to reset everything and you should be able to see the top menu bar, etc. Procyon wrote on 10/17/2014, 11:24 PM And, if that doesn't work (I'm not saying it won't), make sure your monitor screen is set to the resolution MMM requires. 1