For the past 20 years I used Adobe Director for my photo shows. Bit of an overkill but it allows me to take a piece of music where i have inserted markers e.g. first beat of each bar or key moment in music and have those markers in the music call the next photo. Beautiful, perfect synchronization between music and photos.
I am testing a trial version of MAGIX Photostory Deluxe and read about the "BPM Wizard" and have managed to insert the MAGIX equivalent of markers into my piece of music. BUT the photos in my show are not lining up automatically with the music e.g. i am not getting a photo appearing at the start of each bar.
I have read the manual, scoured the web, and searched this forum but not found easy, step-by-step guidance on this for me essential feature of any photo storytelling software.
Thanks for any help, advice or links to more information.
Cheers. Steve.