how can i record from an input source one song at a time so i can convert it to s mp3 file?

jayef69 wrote on 5/13/2009, 2:59 AM
I start recording. the grey box comes up. I hit the record all pauses. If I hit the close button at the bottom it stops recording all together. When it is recording and I do not hit the close button I cannot do anything while the record box is open. I cannot see my songs that I am recording in the middle of the main screen. It seem like it's always bring me to the web mode. While I am recording if I do let's say 15 songs, it records all of the songs together and it shows one big file an hour or more long. I want to record the songs so they show one at a time they have about a 2 second break between each song. Also I try to create a playlist, so I can keep all my songs together, but it seems if I create a playlist it doesn't show my songs I am recording.I want to buy this product but I am having a hard time trying to make it work properly. I would really appreciate someones help that really knows this product. The source it is coming from is streamed from my Behringer 1832 mixer into USB into my computer. I am using the demo software since I cannot find MP3 Maker anywhere for sale in Seattle, Wa.

Thank You
Jaye Fayed
Seattle, WA


Lazerboy wrote on 5/13/2009, 3:22 AM
Hi Jaye,

I am not sure if MP3 Maker is really the right product for that use case. I understood that you want to do recordings of your music and convert it to mp3 files.

I would recommend for that usecase the product Audio Cleaning Lab.

It is based on the HD recording programm Samplitude. It includes a lot of recording features, you can convert to mp3, burn CD etc. And you have real quality mastering features that might be useful for your own recording.

MP3 Maker is more a player and converter. It is good for webradio recording, converting of recorded files from CDs or wav to mp3 and as simple player of a playlist of tracks.

Also interesting is the multitrack recording tool Music Studio - but this is a real professional recording programm that you would need prefered if you want to do a digital mix.

If you want to record with MP3 maker: Start recordingat MP3 Maker and leave the rec window open, start playing the song, stop after playing the song and record song by song. The playlist you can put together AFTER recording.

But as I understood it, this is the wring product for your usecase....