Hi, I'm using Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus 2020, I have an i7-7700 CPU @ 3.6Ghz, 32GB RAM PC & have just updated my hard drive to a Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB M.2-2280 NVMe PCIe SSD, before i updated the hardrive i had a Kingston 120GB SATA SSD drive, i did a test where i opened Magix, created as i normally do a project folder, i imported 10 clips into it, loaded onto magix where it created proxy files, i added 18fr crossfades, i make YT vids & like that length of crossfade, i then exported the film as mp4, After updating the hardrive to the m.2 evo plus drive i did exactly the same, created a project folder, imported the same 10 clips into it, loaded onto magix where it created proxy files, added 18fr crossfades, then exported the film as mp4, The 10 clips made the video 4.5mins long, I saw a 1min difference in export between the 2 drives. 7.5mins for the SATA SSD & 6.5mins with the m.2 evo plus, a small improvement & may be better when i export a YT which which are normally more like 30clips & 20mins long, I can't improve my pc anymore apart from the graphics card which is NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030,
Would a better graphics card make any difference or is there any settings i can change? Maybe a better Magix program, it's the create Proxy files & export that i want to improve on, I'm quite happy with what features i get in Movie Edit Pro Plus, Thanks