Hi; is my paid version of Music Maker labeled Free Version???

Robert-Z2844 wrote on 2/20/2022, 11:34 PM

Hi; is my paid version of Music Maker labeled Free Version???

Robert-Z2844 wrote on 2/21/2022, 5:40 AM

Also, why do the setting change on me and it takes so long to load, 5 times as l ongas word and Excell together?

5th reboot and it is finally working but the Beat Maker Crashed it.

How do I deactivate the log off auto WEB page launch?


SP. wrote on 2/21/2022, 12:00 AM

@Robert-Z2844 It depends on where you bought Music Maker if your paid version shows "free edition". For example, I believe Ashampoo sells the free edition with some loop packs but not the Plus or Premium edition.

Crashes or instabilities can be caused by using a computer with insufficient hardware specifications like slow processors or having not enough free RAM or using cheap audio hardware.