Got Sound Forge15 for $29.00. Won't take SN# till I buy again @ $49.99

Martin-Henry wrote on 12/24/2021, 10:52 AM

Greetings to all and Happy Holidays:

I wasn't envisioning my first post to be like this. Dilemmas are as follows:

  • I purchased Music Maker Premium Edition yesterday, here in the states on 12-23-12 for $79.99 US.
  • An hour earlier it was posted on the same site @ $69.99 US.
  • I tested Music Maker before continuing rest of install. Audio outputted ONLY on my HP Laptop and not studio speakers (that could be my fault since I didn't finish rest of install. But Magix's Audio Engine obviously was playing).
  • Today (12-24-21) I installed Trial Version of Sound Forge 14. Was induced to upgrade to ver.15 for $29.99 US and did.
  • Not good. It installed but I felt check boxing Music Maker meant it was scale-down version for within Song Forge 15. It wasn't. This should be explained, somehow, to customers.
  • I was prompted to remove Music Maker by the installer. Had no choice so I clicked the REMOVE button.Then had to manually uninstall Sound Forge Trial ver.14 before being released from prison. This process did not overwrite my already installed Music Maker Premium DAW prog (as I expected). It appears to have been deleted as well.
  • Now, when I registered ver.15 from the email link supplied, it accepts new SN# but next click I'm back on the sell page and have to buy Sound Forge 15 for another $49.99 US. WHAT IS GOING ON?
  • Finally: I feel that the Music Maker Premium Edition sell site is a bit misleading. For one thing, it makes the Sound Forge plug-in shown as (if) included at no extra charge. Here in the USA, we American Business-minded people, selling things separately; use parenthesis brackets (where applicable such as: sold separately).

My HP Laptop specs running Win10 are as follows:

Device name:   HP LAPTOP-JV7-----B-series

Processor:     Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7100U CPU @ 2.40GHz   2.40 GHz

Installed RAM:     8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable)

System type:     64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and touch    Touch support with 10 touch points

In closing, any feedback about these post issues would be appreciated.

Once again, Happy Holidays to all.


Martin Henry,
American Composer~



rraud wrote on 12/24/2021, 12:12 PM

I would uninstall all and start over. Install your Music Maker Premium edition (MMP), And activate MMP with your MMP serial code. Do not install the Sound Forge version that is included with it.

After MMP is installed and activated, install the Sound Forge Audio Studio AS 15 (assuming that is what you purchased separately). Do not install the Music Maker edition that included with SF AS 15. you can also install and activate iZotope's Ozone Elements at the same time. After SF-15 is installed launch it and activate with your SF serial code. Ozone should have it's own unique serial code in the email Magix sent you when SF 15 was purchased

Audio outputted only on my HP Laptop and not studio speakers

This is likely a sound setting in your PC and/or in the "Options> Preferences> Audio" menu in Sound Forge. I am sure if MMP has a similar audio device menu like SF.

btw, Sound Forge is not a plug-in and this is a users forum, if you need to contact Magix about your purchases, email Magix at or . Furthermore, there is specific users forum for Music Maker.

Last but not least, seasons greeting and welcome to the Magix users community @Martin-Henry.


Martin-Henry wrote on 12/24/2021, 3:45 PM

@ rraud:

Thank you for your reply on this issue of mine. I really appreciated that. Of course SF-15 is a prog, but it is funny that I referred to it as a plug-in. You pointed out some very interesting things to me, as you did, and I've copy-pasted them into my private files.I did develop a simple work-around solution (if your interested) since I started this post as follows:

> Magix file menu drop down to Settings > program settings (gear wheel icon on left) > Program Settings Dialogue box appears > Selecting Audio/MIDI radio button opens Audio Playback/Drivers section (as you somewhat suggested I should consider doing in your reply to me). In my case, a WASAPI driver was set as a default. To make a long story short, I selected the Samsung (Intel R) Display Audio Card (over the Microsoft default one) that was available.

After playing around with stuff a little, from there, the Wave driver communicating at 24-bit solved my whole problem. There were other tricky little things to deal with. But in the end, BOTH Magix and SF-15 played independently through my studio monitors and not outputting from my HP laptop.

Thanks again for including the proper links to using this forum correctly and a safe Happy Holidays to you and yours as well--!
