I have a problem with the audio part of a video file recorded on a GoPro Hero 5. This happens occasionally. All other recordings of the day, about 2 dozen, were fine.
I can hear the sound very faintly, but the waveform shows that there is audio and it looks fairly normal, and the meter shows audio during playback. Here is what I see in VPX16:
Opening the file in Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab 4 gives:
so the left channel is fainter than the right channel, but the meter shows sound.
The image below exposes the problem. There is a narrow band between 10 and 15 kHz that seems to be loud, even though I can't hear it well in that frequency range. The spectral display shows that there is other information below 10 kHz of much lower intensity.
Here is the display in Sound Forge Pro 16:
and with the Spectroscope turned on:
where you can see the narrow band at high intensity.
Here is the display in SpectraLayers Pro 11:
If I increase the volume by 30 dB, you can see the lower intensity information:
I made a first run removing the information in the 10-15 kHz band. The result was an improvement, but not satisfactory.
Is there another way to do this to try to get back some kind of reasonable audio?
Here is a link to the file in Magix Hub Explorer. I don't know if the file can be downloaded. First time I've used this. If not, I'll upload it to another share site.
John CB