Google Analytics installation and finding java sript

dawzee wrote on 1/8/2010, 9:27 PM
I'm trying to install google analytics onto my website and am having trouble finding the java script to past the google analytics link into. I just put the link on each one of my pages but it doesn't seem to work and show the report. If you could help me with the steps to find the java script and insert it correctly that would be a huge help..

Thanks so much



chrisNW1 wrote on 3/12/2010, 12:40 PM
I too was wondering how to do this...and found the answer. Firstly, log into your analytics account and get the script code for the analytics tracking...
Open the Web Properties dialog via Utilities > Web Properties (or by clicking on the icon in the web toolbar or Shift+Ctrl+W) and then click on the Website tab. Then paste (Ctrl +V) the tracking code.Each page in your site will be tracked. Alternatively, insert the code in the 'Tracker code' field from the Page tab in order to track a particular page
This does work have tracker installed on my sites written using MAGIX, and have additional tracker codes for campaigns and tracking particular page trending.
Good Luck
stephen-atkinson wrote on 5/14/2010, 8:47 AM
Hey, i have read chrisNW1's answer...i have looked for the "web properties dialog" or the utilites tab and i just can not find them!! is this in the Website Maker easy plus? If not does any one know how you would go about this please??