get_user_documents_path0 cannot get the documents>pair

atzetm wrote on 10/4/2022, 12:48 AM

Using Magix Music Maker 64-Bit Version on Windows 10 Pro with Cinematic Vita Solo Instruments, we get the error of the Subject Line, and "The following VST plug-in cannot be loaded: Cinematic Soundscapes (54)." "There may not be enough RAM available. Currently available 55 %" We tried Simplitec that links to and we tried Restora, causing us to reinstall Windo 10. We've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but problem persists. Is there a repair software?


SP. wrote on 10/4/2022, 3:04 AM

@atzetm I think the RAM error message appears even if you have enough RAM. It is just the standard error message if a VST cannot be loaded. I think it was useful back when Music Maker was still a 32 bit application because back then it couldn't use much RAM. But today this error message is somewhat misleading.

I would suggest you open the program settings and re-scan the VST path or you uninstall an reinstall the instrument. For this open Windows Apps & Features and select to uninstall Magix Content and Soundpools. If you uninstall this program a window will open and let you select, which Vita Instrument you want to uninstall. Click on the ones you want to uninstall. Then redownload it from the Music Maker in-app-store.