I am using Movie Edit Pro 15 and am having trouble loading a large mp4 file. The error message points to an access error or disk space, but these are both ok. I suspect that there might be a limit to the file size it can handle. This file is 10gb.
The hard disk is formatted as NTFS. To clarify, I am not having a problem loading the file onto my computer, I am having a problem opening the file in Movie Edit.
Intel Core Duo CPU 2GHz with 2Gb RAM. 32-bit operating system. 100Gb hard drive / 25Gb free.
The 1 2 3 buttons under GSpot Vid Aud are disabled. The 1 button under MS A/V is enabled. I clicked it and the following message displays in the text box:
Rendering failed. Following is the error reported by DirectShow:
The tests were done on the mp4 file. I can play the mp4 on the computer. It is High Definition.
Sorry, i do not know which codec I used. I did not specify anything, so it used whatever the default is.
I can move the video files to an external drive, freeing up 20Gb. How much space do you think it would require? One other thing I should point out, the error occurs immediately.
I now have 47.5Gb free and still get the same error. I am going to try mpeg-2 format. Looks like that will create a much smaller file. Will see if Movie Edit can handle that.