
shkr wrote on 5/17/2022, 2:56 AM

all valid points, stability should be the first concern

this bug I wrote about really needs to be fixed:
floating loops when dragged from the left edges:

working with grouped events should be improved - weird things happen when splitting gropued events and moving them (events getting corrupted, crashes when moving to new tracks, etc)

when working with big multichannel projects Acid gets choppy, slow

for feature requests: events warping and streching, midi to audio for vst, general midi improvements, transient detection and splitting, maybe arranger track (we already have sections), chopper evolved into something like serato sampla.

good luck Magix! :)

MAGIX_Redaktion wrote on 5/19/2022, 9:05 AM

Dear ACID lovers,

We're happy to see such passion for the ACID. Your input is super valuable for the next steps! Thank you very much! 💚

Best wishes,

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 5/21/2022, 1:01 AM

Dear ACID lovers,

We're happy to see such passion for the ACID. Your input is super valuable for the next steps! Thank you very much! 💚

Best wishes,

I appreciate the fact that Magix is moving forward with AP. Many here have made good suggestions. I am a power user since 1998 and my suggestion is to fix Acid Pro 7 first. After using version 8, 9 and 10, I realized that version 7 was possibly the most stable last version. It fell apart coming into 64 bit world. I was happy making music in ver7 faster than I ever could in any other DAW. Remember, no DAW has pick & paint power like Acid does. And no, please no arguements that some other DAW has similar feature. All other DAWs work under the same idea. Only Acid has (double click a sound in the explorer, creates an empty track ready to be painted anywhere in the arrangement / no copying pasting, dragging dropping business) these features.

I don't know what it would take to start fixing that version which can potentially be version 11, but there are issues that started from then and not only they are still lingering in version 10, but the bugs only got worse.

When zoomed in to do surgical editing, the GUI starts to freeze. Many have reported that. So, please, before you add new feature (morph pads 👎) put us power users back in the zoom meeting and tackle one bug at a time so strengthen this awesome unmatched DAW. Yes, I was in a zoom meeting with one of the developers and spent an hour going over bugs. I know you took notes, please check your drawer, the note is probably in there.

Thank you.

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 5/21/2022, 1:04 AM

Many of us think version 7 is the most stable and user-friendly one. So a tip: focus on that one :-)

Agreed and that is what I suggested as well. I even liked the GUI display. The new display colors just don't cut it for me. Maybe put that as an option for some of us who liked it?

jim-ballard wrote on 5/21/2022, 2:29 PM

Fix the constant output meters going to Infinity and destroying the songs. Get nothing but static from my speakers. Hard to recreate a song from scratch. Happens alot now. Almost thinking about giving up Acid period.

ropp wrote on 5/24/2022, 2:42 PM


After using version 8, 9 and 10, I realized that version 7 was possibly the most stable last version.


Andres-Meza wrote on 5/27/2022, 9:16 AM

The most important thing to fix imo is the crashing. I just came back to Acid and while the UI could use a revamp, I'm more concerned with stability especially when using plugins.

sheppo wrote on 5/27/2022, 2:30 PM

The interactive tutorials need fixing, at the very least the "An Overview of Acid Pro Software", the thing new users likely hit up first when the open the app - it crashes out a step 9 due to the media manager no longer working. For new users, or users trialing the software to see if they want to buy it this is Acid's opportunity to put its best foot forward and it has been broken for many years.

David-Cole wrote on 5/27/2022, 7:22 PM

It does appear MAGIX is listening.

jocker-boy wrote on 5/31/2022, 11:31 PM

Drodzy miłośnicy KWASU,

Cieszymy się z takiej pasji do KWASU. Twój wkład jest bardzo cenny w następnych krokach! Dziękuję Ci bardzo!

Pozdrawiamy serdecznie,
Zespół MAGIX

Doceniam fakt, że Magix idzie do przodu z AP. Wielu tutaj, utrwalo dobre utrwalenie. Jestem użytkownikiem użytkownikiem od 1998 roku i radzę najpierw Acid Pro 7. Postawienie rozwiązania 8, 9 i 10 załem sobie sprawę, że wersja 7 była prawdopodobnie najbardziej stabilną ostatnią wersją. Rozpadł się, wchodząc w 64-bitowy świat. Byłem, że pakiet należy aktualizować w wersji 7 niż w jakimkolwiek innym programie DAW. Pamiętaj, że żaden DAW nie ma takiej dyskusji i malowania jak Acid. I nie, proszę nie argumentować, że jakiś inny DAW ma podobny sposób. Wszystkie DAWy wspólnie z tą inną ideą. Tylko Acid ma (małżeństwo pod nazwą dźwięku w eksploracji, kryształ pustą eksploatację biznesu gotową do pomalowania w firmie miejscu w aranżacji / bez usługi marketingu, wklejania, przeciągania reklamacji) te strony.

Nie wiem, czego, aby można było naprawiać dane, która może być ekspertem 11, ale problemy, które zaczęły się od tego czasu i tylko mogą zostać naprawą

Powiększenia, w których celujesz, aby nakładać nakładane aplikacje, te same nakładają się. Wielu do zgłosiło. Tak więc, proszę, zanim dodasz nową funkcję (morph pads 👎), zaproś nas zaawansowanych użytkowników z powrotem na spotkanie z zoomem i zajmij się jednym błędem na raz, więc wzmocnij ten sposób, niezrównany DAW. Tak, byłem na spotkaniu z przybliżającym się z jednym z programistów i następną godziną na przeglądaniu błędów. Wiem, że robiłeś notatki, proszę sprawdź swoją szufladę, notatka prawdopodobnie tam jest.

Dziękuję Ci.

For me, the 32 bit version is no longer available. I have everything in 64 bit. But alternatively, I don't mind if the 32 bit version for "veterans" is running in parallel :)

jeggioz wrote on 6/1/2022, 4:01 AM

Hi thanks for taking users into consideration,

I tell you right away that I consider acid a pure blood horse without a jockey,
it has great potential, but unfortunately also big gaps,
the software carries with it the legacy of previous Sony development,
first of all I list the bugs to be solved by intervening on what is the source code of the software,

1) Installation and Uninstallation - Once the software has been uninstalled, it is not possible to completely remove the files that bind to the system, thus making any software refresh useless, putting the user in the position to format the PC for a total recovery.

2) Stability and Temporary files - I noticed that the software has a problem on writing temporary files, already with the latest updates of Windows 10 and Windows 11 where the security policies have been changed many software have difficulty writing to the main root of the system, Acid is one of them.

3) VST and Plug in management quite obsolete - Since the last Sony release a total renovation work has not been done but a modeling of the system that has brought with it all the previous problems. We note that the properties menu has remained unchanged, which means that the software is practically identical with a few more solutions and often useless as the Morph Pads which by default is inserted on each track, yes I know you can disable it from the properties, but the average user does not tinker with the software to such an extent and risks burdening the system, e.g. 50 audio tracks equals 50 open plug ins, this affects the performance of the sound card and processor.

4) Render audio of the final track falsified - One of the worst defects that was not present in the pro 7 version is precisely the fact that there is a quite evident difference between what we hear in production and what comes out of the export of the track

It goes without saying that the new dress is just a change of color, today users want something innovative.


1) MIDI and controller Mapping - Acid has the management for the configuration of the controller too complex, the process should be made easier by adding the native compatibility of the latest generation systems, the Learning to associate the controls must be very simplified with a click similar to that of Ableton Live.

2) Live performance - Today most of the home recording software enjoys the possibility of mounting a live set, allowing the DJ Producer to transform his projects for the exhibition, let's take for example Logic Pro which in recent years has introduced the live system that even interfaces with devices such as ipad etc., or Ableton Live which introduced the LINK to allow synchronization between different devices. in practice you have to make the software modular and facilitate the connection with third-party controllers, physical instruments and software.

3) Track management - Although Acid is one of the best software if not the best in track editing, it would take some improvement in the interface, sometimes I have encountered problems in assigning the vst in the midi track creating a conflict that generates the reproduction of all the vst on all midi channels which was not present on acid pro 7.

4) VST and Plug in management - It would be really nice to have a simplified window with the whole list of vst that can be used with a simple Drug and Drop, an artist who has to put into practice what he has in his head must be able to express it instantly, when the game becomes too cumbersome. idea passes.

These are the main issues that in my opinion should be analyzed, Acid is a great software but we still seem to be in the days of Windows XP

IMPORTANT: It would really be the case to think of a version for MAC OS the catchment area that you could have is really much more promising, moreover you would drastically reduce the instability problems that instead on Windows are added to those of the OS.

I hope I was helpful, I will continue to analyze the software in order to be more detailed, I very much hope that the new release is truly amazing.

Thank you very much for your consideration,

With regard.

Acid-Pro-A-Dead-Stick wrote on 6/1/2022, 1:26 PM

Seeing that Magix is back on advancing AcidPro, I have re-installed this beast and awaiting for the update. I have had nothing but regrets paying for 8 thru 10 but all that can be redeemed if Magix puts this DAW on the front lines and seriously start developing it. But please keep the basics there. DO NOT take away the legendary Pick-Paint-Play feature. Keep the original theme & GUI (Channel faders on the left, explorer on the bottom, etc). Bottom line, I am thankful that you are taking it further. Cannot wait for the next update.

LooneyBinJim wrote on 6/5/2022, 4:45 PM

At last Acid pro 11 .

I have always felt cheated since the release of Acid Pro 8 ,Acid Pro 8 felt like a beta not a finished product it was so unstable ,then Acid Pro 9 /next didnt feel or run any better than 8 ,10 was released again more money paid out but nothing gained . The Update should be free to long time Acid Pro users,Acid Pro users are loyal and deserve a reward .Dont let us pay out for yet another version that feels rushed and more like a Beta

LooneyBinJim wrote on 6/5/2022, 5:15 PM

Please fix the mixer GUI making it scaleable , samplitude pro mixer for example can be made to fit any size you wish.Acid Pro has Narrow, Normal and Wide, it's a nightmare when working with lots of tracks with synths etc.

When working with chains of fx I suggest the chain should be visible side by side, making editing much easier and faster.


LooneyBinJim wrote on 6/5/2022, 5:22 PM

Colours .how many colours can a modern computer draw? More than the 8 Acid Pro uses, I'm sure. Every program on the market has a wide colour palette this helps keep editing simple and fast


LooneyBinJim wrote on 6/5/2022, 5:44 PM

Please fix Reason Rack Vst /Vsti .The plugin loads but has no sound sent to or from Reason Rack. Acid Pro 8 had same problem however the last update patch Fixed it.

Reason Rack is amazing the choice of synths and plugins just wish i could use them in my favourite DAW ACID PRO.

james-h wrote on 6/6/2022, 5:11 AM

I preferred it when the programme scanned for plugins before it loaded, now it scans after and I often open a project and get the error showing that it cant load plugin 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

LooneyBinJim wrote on 6/6/2022, 1:29 PM

all valid points, stability should be the first concern

this bug I wrote about really needs to be fixed:
floating loops when dragged from the left edges:

working with grouped events should be improved - weird things happen when splitting gropued events and moving them (events getting corrupted, crashes when moving to new tracks, etc)

when working with big multichannel projects Acid gets choppy, slow

for feature requests: events warping and streching, midi to audio for vst, general midi improvements, transient detection and splitting, maybe arranger track (we already have sections), chopper evolved into something like serato sampla.

good luck Magix! :)

Yes, Yes, Midi to Audio is very useful . Top suggestion .

Can i also suggest ditch the 32bit plugin as the bridge works but i have found by not scan of 32 bit plugins Acid Pro would appear more stable.


Clay256 wrote on 6/6/2022, 1:44 PM

It is just all around stability is a problem for me. I got to the point where I just said f it I'll just use the stock instruments at least those will be stable then export my ACID track as midi and assign the channels to VSTs in another DAW.

So I made a song with only your stock soft synth sounds assigned to midi tracks.... And it crashed with 3 tracks and only one midi clip 😭😭😭

I love the ACID workflow. If I could say "this will never crash" I would recommend it to everyone I know. Maybe adding plugin sandboxing would help? Bitwig studio has never crashed on me even once thanks to the sandbox.

But I can't figure out any way to use ACID where I won't lose all my work

Clay256 wrote on 6/6/2022, 1:47 PM

I still believe in ACID. You can make this an industry leading DAW again, Magix!

Clay256 wrote on 6/6/2022, 2:02 PM

I have also found that ACID cannot be ReWired with Renoise. I don't know why but it doesn't work as a master or slave. Renoise ReWires fine in every other DAW I've tried and is useful for creating grooves and guitar strums etc

LooneyBinJim wrote on 6/6/2022, 2:02 PM

Now, I understand Mag ix Music Maker and samplitude get more updates and feature updates than Acid Pro . Will you take Acid Pro serious in the future? Many of us Long-time Acid Pro user's want to Acid Pro as the main DAW ,reading the forums we are all plagued by Acid Crash Syndrome forcing the use of a second DAW that has /is become the main DAW leaving Acid Pro installed but not used.

We all want Acid Pro to succeed and become the DAW thats fast, easy intuitive that inspired so many DAWs sadly Acid Pro Was Left behind over the last Decade. Please make our dreams come true.


Clay256 wrote on 6/6/2022, 2:13 PM

I have also had bad problems with MIDI time clock sync. I can send the clock to my sequencer but when I record the sequencer into ACID it's always way off the grid. Shame you can't send it to more than one device at a time either, I use two sequencers in my workflow.

MAGIX_Redaktion wrote on 6/7/2022, 1:48 AM

Good morning everybody,

we couldn't be more thankful for all you guys and the love you have for ACID. 💚

It does appear MAGIX is listening.

Yes, we are listening. 😉

All your input is very valuable and we'll share more information on the next steps soon. Feel free to leave more ideas thoughts in this thread.

Best wishes,