SF Audio Studio 16 on Windows 10 does not let me export regions to files using the export regions shortcut. When I select regions and try to export them as files I get "operation complete" but no files are created. Please advise how to fix?
Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @SFUser.
Do you have the latest build of AS-16 (Build 39.. I think is the current build), though .. I do not recall an issue with prior builds.
I cannot duplicate that behavior. It worked as it should for me in "View> Instant Actions> Export> Regions"
Off hand, the only thing I can think of is try enabling "Always proxy lossy formats" in "Options> Preferences> General" if the timeline file is a MP3 or other data compressed format.
Otherwise, It has not been reported before (AFAIK), so I do not know if a 'reset' will help.
Update: Initially I was trying to export out of a SF project file. Saving the file as a wav and then exporting the regions works, although region names are not transferred to the files created. Disappointed that a product with the Sound Forge name doesn't provide such basic functionality.