I've been using Magix sense 2011, but I've never seen a problem like this. Recently I just put Magix on my new Windows 10 computer and got the MPEG4 addon as the footage from my camera is MPEG4. I tested it out and put the footage in the video and didn't edit it. I exported it twice (as an MPEG4 and an MPEG) with the same result; the file length and audio is the same, but the visual footage itself is sped up and when it ends (which is in the middle of the video itself) it starts in the middle of the footage and keeps repeated until it show the last second repeating and when the audio is done playing.
I think the length itself and the audio are fine, but the footage itself is not. I've never seen this happen before and I don't know why it is. If someone could help me that would be great! Thank you so much!
I use Magix Movie Edit Pro 17 with Windows 10 and my camera is a Samsung WB2100 I got from 2013
UPDATE: I've seemingly fixed the sped issue by fiddling with the rsolution and FPS, but now the footage is coming out choppy. Just like before the audio and video length is the same, but the video itself s choppy. After reseting the resoultion I've come to the conclusion that it may be an issue with the Frames Per Second. It also seems like if I lower the FPS in the exported video, it seems to get a little better. At 59.97 FPS, the video was at it's glitchiest. But going down to 25, things were still choppy but not as bad.