Do note: the Program version in both the above file paths will use the European name for MEP/MMS ie: Videodeluxenn_edition where nn= a 2 digit number and the edition = Plus or Premium
This log file however can be very large as it logs a lot of general data from the program starting up to closing down everytime the program is used. The latest entry will be at the bottom of the file
Please note that last sentence! As John writes, the file can be very big since it can include data from the very first time you opened the program! So, ensure you do, indeed, scroll to the end of it (check the date it says the entries were created). You can copy and paste here any relevant information you see if you're not sure what it means and we'll try to "decode" it!
2024/03/12 23:59:12 [INFO] [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("Intel(R) HD Graphics 530"); EngineDevice("CPU"); and ExportDevice("Intel(R) HD Graphics 530") rendering to C:\Users\brian\Desktop\photovidsgoth\gothfinalmaybe.mp4 started (MxMpeg4Intel|3840x2160p|1.77778|25 FPS|60000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|192 kbit/s)
What is the Intel processor full model number and the GTX graphic card full name/model and are their drivers up to date? The Belarc images are difficult to read.
From what I can make out this is a laptop running Windows 10.
. . . . CInfoException: 0x80004005 . . . .
This is a Wndows error code, which would suggest that there is an issue either with the intel HD530 or the GTX xxx GPU drivers or a clash between the GPU's.
In Movie Studio Program settings, Device options tab if the settings for the Import, Processing and Export options are set to the Intel HD 530, try setting them to the GTX and export again.
Another issue I can see is that you are exporting to the desktop, this is not recommended as this is a protected area and may also be the reason for the crash.
All your source video files and exports should be within the Documents folder, as should any other files/documents that are on your desktop.
. . . . my file management of input and output files is poor is there any docs or reference to guide you on file house keeping . . . .
There are many ways for file managing files,all in one form or the other followed what you would do in an office for paper filing.
My method has the following file/folder structures:
Each project has its own folder structure organised as shown above - I copy, paste and rename the Blank folder which has the structure shown.
There are other folders, eg for common resources which have sub folders/categories, and other folders not shown for screen recordings etc.
The one thing I do not do is use one folder for all media, this avoids overwriting one projects images/video with another and mixing various media types.
The above structures also making backups to external drives easy, I use SyncBack, first run copies the entire project root folder and sub-folders, next run again it only copies the changed/added files.