Hi. I am new to Movie Edit Pro 2021 but this has really stumped me and would appreciate any help.
I have a movie that includes a Title, 4 video clips and a wave file. The timeline in the preview window shows the total length to be 3:13:19. The timeline above the track lanes show the length to be 3:13:19. I have the timeline locked. Also have all the track lanes locked. When I select the Export Movie option, I have the "Export Selected Range" box checked. Yet when I Export it, the videos aren't aligned as shown when I play it in preview mode and it runs a total of 3:52.
I have shortened and extended so of the video files but again looks perfect when I run the preview.
I have read everything I can find in the manual relating to Exporting but I must be missing something.
Any help greatly appreciated as this is a Christmas project I'd really like to complete.
If there is a number a user can call for a paid support session I'd like to know what that is.
Thank you!