I have transferred my old cassettes to Sound Forge and now I have marked them with regions so that I can export (render?) them as individual wav-files and have them converted to flac. So I'm guessing as CD track files..
Sound Forge Pro has a "Extact Regions" command in the 'Tools' menu.. as well as scripts to "Save regions as files'' and Convert markers to regions and extract". I am not sure about Audio Studio except for AS does not support scripting . You may have to do it manually one at a time. Select a region, 'Trim' then, 'Save as'.. repeat, repeat, repeat.
Strange that the 'Export Regions' (SF14 Pro) will only export to .wav format - even when the source media is .mp3 or whatever. I can't see how to select a different format to export to. So instead you have to export regions and then batch convert. Seems like a product design oversight - as creating CD's is becoming less common and .mp3's to thumb drives or phones or some other endpoint is becoming more likely. And the very unusual (experimental?) release of SF 12.5 does contain the 'save as separate files' option in the standard 'save as' - which was useful (though often the .mp3 files would be silent - so there was some bug in that system too).
I wouldn't mind too much, except that wav files are so much bigger than the .mp3 - and if the source is .mp3 it seems unnecessary to add the extra conversions.
Well I have a file that's about an hour and 20 minutes long I inserted markers around all of the different tracks and I used the tools and the scripting to extract regions as tracks. I assigned it to a folder in which to save the tracks and sound Forge 13 crashes. I still use 13 because I really like the presets in the mastering tool kit. Should I try allowing it to send them to the C drive where the default seems to be? Thank you.
I inserted markers around all of the different tracks
@Stephen-Simmons, confirm you have created Regions. Markers cannot be used for the export script or command. The default marker tag color is red, whilst region tags are green
I inserted markers around all of the different tracks
@Stephen-Simmons, confirm you have created Regions. Markers cannot be used for the export script or command. The default marker tag color is red, whilst region tags are green
That might be the problem! Thank you sir. Just as an aside are you using the current version of sound forge? I have it but I don't use it as I said because I like the 32-bit presets in the mastering bundle.
I mostly use SF Pro 15, Pro 16 has bugs (that will allegedly be fixed in the next update) that affects third-party 32 bit plug-ins to display oddly (unusable), The plugs display normally in the x86 SFP-16 version, but then... the 64 bit plugs cannot be used (a Catch 22 scenario)
I like the 32-bit presets in the mastering bundle.
If you have a later version of SF, your 32 bit plugs that do not work in 64 bit SF, should work in a 32 bit (x86) version of SF... which btw, will coexist with the 64 bit version and share many of the settings, I use the x86 version for the iZ Mastering Suite II which will not run on 64 bit that was included with Pro10., I like the three multi-band plugs: comp, imager and exciter, The others in the suite do not impress me,
I mostly use SF Pro 15, Pro 16 has bugs (that will allegedly be fixed in the next update) that affects third-party 32 bit plug-ins to display oddly (unusable), The plugs display normally in the x86 SFP-16 version, but then... the 64 bit plugs cannot be used (a Catch 22 scenario)
I like the 32-bit presets in the mastering bundle.
If you have a later version of SF, your 32 bit plugs that do not work in 64 bit SF, should work in a 32 bit (x86) version of SF... which btw, will coexist with the 64 bit version and share many of the settings, I use the x86 version for the iZ Mastering Suite II which will not run on 64 bit that was included with Pro10., I like the three multi-band plugs: comp, imager and exciter, The others in the suite do not impress me,
And one more question, do you suppose that would work in a similar fashion with Vegas 19? Same long video file put in region markers and save them as tracks? Thank you so much.
AFAIK, you can render regions as separate files in VP, if not natively, with the (Happy Otter Scripts) or the Vegasaur add on.. if a single script does not exist already. Good question for the Vegas Pro Video forum,
AFAIK, you can render regions as separate files in VP, if not natively, with the (Happy Otter Scripts) or the Vegasaur add on.. if a single script does not exist already. Good question for the Vegas Pro Video forum,
Yes it is. I took a chance. I do sincerely appreciate you guys helping out.
Excalibur is another scripting add-on for Vegas similar to HOS and Vegasaur. Both the Excalibur and HOS developers frequent the Vegas Pro forum. Lots of knowledgeable folks over there.